08. Your Own Income


Your income as an employee (mini-job, student assistant) of up to 556 euros gross per month will not be deducted. If, for example, you earned no more than 6,251.02 euros gross in the period from 10/2024 - 09/2025, the grant will not be reduced. If you earned more than this, the excess amount will be credited at around 78% and deducted from the grant.

The situation is different with income that you earn from the training relationship (e.g. trainee remuneration/dual training). In this case, the law does not provide for an allowance. Your earnings will be credited in full (minus the income-related expenses of 100 euros per month and a social lump sum of 22.3%) to the BAföG. If you have earned more, 77.7% of the excess amount will be deducted from the grant.

If you work as a freelancer, e.g. with a fee-based contract, the profit (income minus operating expenses) of 556 euros per month is exempt from deduction. If you have earned more than that, the excess amount will be credited at 77.7%.

Your income is always calculated for the entire approval period and then divided by the number of months, i.e. an average income is calculated.