
10 suggestions to make the best of Covid-19

How can you spend your time productively and maybe even try something completely new?

The global pandemic in which we find ourselves since the end of 2019 affects almost all aspects of our daily lives. Activities and habits that we took for granted are now in great demand and loneliness is with us more often than before. Every day, new rumours spread about the possible cure, the tightening of preventive measures or the future quarantine only to be revised immediately afterwards. In this chaos we, the students, find ourselves in a difficult situation. Some of us have lost their jobs. Others have just moved to Berlin to spend the best years of their lives with great parties and friends. We miss the reference events, the cafeteria and the library and so many more places where we can hang out normally and meet other students.

Although there is nothing we can do about the pandemic (except wear masks and stay home), we can still use the time to do something good for ourselves. I'd like to give you a few suggestions on how you can spend your time productively and maybe even try something completely new!

1. Classical - read a book!

Yes, it's the year 2020 and Instagram, Whatsapp and TikTok may be much more exciting than a book. But stick with it for a moment before you post about the crazy tutor on your story! In a world where we spend so much time in front of the screen and are under constant pressure, we also need to take a break. Reading books requires a certain amount of time in which you concentrate on nothing else but the adventure within the pages. And there are books about EVERYTHING! Adventure, horror, romance, lifestyle or science are only a small selection of the endless possibilities. Apart from providing you with fun and relaxation, books can also improve your language skills, give you new ideas and ways of thinking about life and serve as inspiration.

2. Move your body

However, if books are not the right thing for you, or if reading puts you to sleep, you might want to get moving. Whether outdoor or in the gym, exercise has many advantages and is not just a nice pastime. Sport is healthy, it affects the chemical composition of the hormones in the body and therefore improves your mood. Who of us Couch Potatoes has not yet tried to convince himself that we have no time for sports on this day/this week/this month/ this year? Now is the time when there are no more excuses! Do yourself this favour and just try it. Who knows, maybe you like it so much that you cannot imagine life without sport after once you have started?

3. Discover new music

OK, OK, no books and no sports. It's not for everyone. But what do you say about music? Did you ever had this particular album or artist that you wanted to listen again after having heard it on  Spotify or YouTube? Is it also the case with you that you usually don't do that because you are lacking time to listen relaxed to a whole album or various songs of one artist? Then this would be a good way to make this now! Relax, turn on your stereo or headphones and let yourself sink into the music with your eyes closed...

4. Learning a new language or improving one

Did you always find French so romantic? Do you think that you can be much more successful in your future job with a better knowledge of English? Were you always enthusiastic about Russian, but never had the time to learn the alphabet? Here you can take advantage of the pandemic! Since almost everything is online nowadays, you don't have to waste so much time travelling here and there and can use it to learn a new language! Of course this also counts for practising and improving the languages you already speak besides your mother tongue. A little tip from me: you don't have to enrol for an expensive course or buy expensive books. I learned German using duolingo as well as via movies and series back then. It may not be enough for a C1 level, but it unconsciously builds you a strong base that will make your life much easier later with the advanced language levels. 

Foto: Kaboompics.com, Pexels, CC0

Foto: Kaboompics.com, Pexels, CC0

5. Try a recipe from abroad

For the great chefs among us (or for the people who manage to burn pasta - I'm not judging anyone) I can only recommend it to you: try cooking a new dish from abroad! There are so many different delicacies from other cultures and traditions that make me hungry only by imagining them  as I write this sentence. Go to Chefkoch.de and choose a random country from the categories there. I always like to say that you get to know foreign cultures best through their food! And besides, if you're not allowed to go abroad, you can invite the foreign culture to your home. I once picked out a recipe for a Spanish potato salad and Portuguese prawns myself, to eat it on the balcony to Spanish guitar music and wine. I can only recommend this - make a party out of it!

6. Call your grandma

Yes. Now. You got plenty of time.

(Or Grandpa. Or mum. Or dad. Or your brothers and sisters. Or your friends. So the most important people in your life, who love you more than anything else in the world - show them how important they are for you)

Foto: Ella Olsson, Pexels, CC0

Foto: Ella Olsson, Pexels, CC0

7. Volunteer work

It may be that the pandemic has hardly affected you at all. Unfortunately, this statement does not apply to everyone by far. You are welcome to support  elderly people in your neighbourhood by leaving a notice in the local supermarket offering your help with shopping. Even if no one in the neighbourhood needs your help, this action will make you feel good and provide moral support in your neighbourhood. Even without Covid-19, there are still enough people and animals who could need  your help. Just give it a try. I promise you, you will hardly get such a good feeling from anything else.

8. Sorting things

Whether it's sorting out the old clothes from the wardrobe or organising the stacks of university documents into file folders. Whether it's getting the files into the right folders on the PC or finally disposing of the Mate bottle from the university bag - we all have a very specific organisational activity that we always postpone to the next day. Be brave, you can do it! I believe in you.

9. Try a new online game

Whether you already play an online game regularly or are a total noob, the number of possibilities is endless! There is a wide variety of online games of all kinds and you can always find a game that is just right for you. There are even games that are completely free! For example, in my free time I play "League of Legends" (free), "Overwatch" (20 Euro) and "The Sims 4" (please don't ask me how much money I have already invested there). See you there?

10. Feeding squirrels and birds in the Schlosspark Charlottenburg

Finally, I would like to share my secret with you. There is a route in the Schlosspark Charlottenburg where the animals are so trusting that they eat from your hand or even sit on your lap (but you have to be VERY quiet for that). Bring some nuts and live out your Snow White fantasy! But I really beg you: be respectful to the animals!

Foto: Edwin Adrews, Pexels, CC0

Foto: Edwin Adrews, Pexels, CC0