To the counselling centre

We are here for you


Employees of the psychotherapeutic counselling centre
Photo: stW BERLIN

Dear students,

while your years at university offer lots of opportunities and new experiences, the day to day life can also be quite demanding. Even if you manage to overcome many challenges on your own, there can be some hurdles you might need support with.

We are happy to support you in difficult situations or phases of life. Regardless of whether the problems are directly related to your studies (e.g. fear of exams, agonisingly putting off homework, initial doubts about your studies and thoughts of dropping out) or are completely unrelated to university life. We offer both individual and couples counselling and also have various groups on offer.

Please make an appointment for a confidential consultation.

We provide advice by phone, video and in person.

Our consulting services

We help to find solutions for study-specific topics, such as:

  • speech and examination anxieties
  • Procrastination / writer's block
  • Concentration disorders
  • Self-organisation

In the same way, we also provide support in personal conflict situations, such as:

  • self-esteem problems, anxiety states, depressive moods
  • contact and relationship difficulties (social isolation, problems with friends, roommates)
  • partnership conflicts, processing of separations, partnerlessness, sexual difficulties
  • current crisis situations (e.g. loss of a significant person, suicidal thoughts, experiences with sexual or violent assaults)
  • stressful family situation (e.g. illness and loss of one parent, separation of parents, problems with siblings, family constellations)
  • psychosomatic complaints, eating disorders
  • difficult social situation (compatibility of studies and job etc.)
  • specific problems of international students
  • use and questionable addiction
  • pregnancy conflict counselling

Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN


Confidential appointments can be made simple and prompt via our secretary's office Mon-Thu 9 am to 15 pm and Fri 9 am to 13 pm or via email.

Location Charlottenburg
Hardenbergstraße 35
10623 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 93939 8401

Location Friedrichshain
Franz-Mehring-Platz 2-3
10243 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 93939 8438


The Berliner Krisendienst is available at all times at +49(0)30 390 63 00.

Group offers

Group offers

Click here for the current overview.