To the social counselling service

We offer advice on financing your studies and much more.

Fotos: stW BERLIN; Gert Altmann /; EtiAmmos /
Portraits of team members from the social counselling service.

Dear students,

Sometimes small and big questions arise on the way through your studies - be it about finances, housing, social issues or other challenges. We are here for you to find solutions together and support you in every situation.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us - we look forward to supporting you.

Your social counselling service

Our counselling services

  • How can I finance my studies and the final stages of my degree?
  • Do my parents have to support me or could I get BAföG?
  • Who can help me when I have problems with administrative offices?
  • Questions about health insurance, housing subsidies, or child benefit?
  • Pregnant – what now? Child(ren) and studying – how to combine the two?
  • Entitlement to social services – too complex? Or do you have more specific questions?




Confidential, telephone counselling:
Thursdays: 12 - 2 p.m.


Appointments can be arranged:
Wednesdays: 10 - 12 a.m.

Phone: +49 (0)30 93939 8423

Personal open consultation hours on site:
Every Wednesday from 12 - 2 p.m,
alternating location Franz-Mehring-Platz/S-Bahn: Ostbahnhof
or Hardenbergstraße/S-Bahn: Zoo.

You can find the current dates on our appointment overview page.

Or use our contact form:

How can we advise you?

What topics would you like counselling on? *:
In which language would you like to be advised?*:
Data privacy *: