Social benefits

Under certain circumstances, students can also apply for social benefits in addition to BAföG.

If you are on a semester break or studying part-time, for example, it is often possible to receive citizen's allowance. If you are no longer eligible for BAföG as a full-time student, e.g. because you have exceeded the standard period of study, housing allowance can be an option to help you finance your rent.

For pregnant students and students with children, in addition to the above-mentioned benefits, benefits specifically designed for families, e.g. parental allowance or child benefit, are also relevant.

We offer you an overview of the possible claims under social law, explain the requirements for an application for housing benefit, the exemption from the broadcasting fee and provide information about receiving child and parental benefit.

We also offer advice for pregnant women and students with children.
Whether you want to study full- or part-time or take a break during a semester off - we support you in finding the best option for you personally during the time of pregnancy and child-raising. If you are in a financially difficult situation, you can also apply to us for financial support from the Stiftung Hilfe für die Familie (e.g. for initial baby equipment).