There are now many different loan offers that are specifically aimed at students and are cheaper than other loans.
Before you decide on a loan, first check all other financing options - gladly together with the social counselling service. We recommend that you only use a student loan if you have no other financing options. We give you an overview of student loans such as the BAföG graduation assistance, the KfW student loan, the BVA education loan or the student loan from the Studentische Darlehenskasse.
To get a feel for the costs involved, we recommend calculating an example loan using a repayment calculator. Based on the loan conditions, the interest rate, the disbursement and repayment modalities, you can get an idea of the repayment amount.
The Förderbank KfW offers a repayment calculator for the KfW student loan and a repayment calculator for the education loan.
The Studentische Darlehnskasse e.V. also provides a student loan calculator.
We help you to clarify critical questions before taking out a loan, point out debt traps and examine alternatives to taking out a loan together with you. We provide information on the terms and conditions of publicly funded student loans, their allocation and repayment modalities.