Terms and conditions of participation for events with selection process

(as of April 2024)

By registering for events organised by the culture & international affairs department (aka Kulturwerk), participants declare that they have taken note of all the points listed below and that they agree with all the points listed below. Please note that special selection processes, conditions of participation, notes and additions apply to some activities. These are detailed below.

The culture & international affairs department (aka Kulturwerk) regularly organises events, exhibitions, courses, workshops and various activities in the areas of Stage & Music, Get Together, Literature, Art Space, Film and Diversity. These include talent competitions, theatre projects, get-togethers, readings, games evenings and book clubs.

Our purpose is to offer Berlin students a range of events and workshops where they can try things out, get creative and develop their talents in rooms and safe spaces. Students from all disciplines and backgrounds can network and do things together. ‘Giving space’, ‘living diversity’ and ‘promoting creativity’ are the guiding principles of our work.

The Kulturwerk sees the events as an important contribution to its self-imposed goal of living diversity and promoting student creativity. The activities also promote encounters between students, across universities and faculties.

The activities are organised and partly led by employees of studierendenWERK, but are also usually led by external professional partners. The topics are developed from student demand against the background of an expanded concept of culture.


The individual activities are published on the website stw.berlin/en/culture. The variety of activities on offer is very wide, we offer 2-hour workshops and activities, but also courses that take place regularly once a week or every 2 weeks. The information on the respective course, workshop or event should always be taken from the website.

  • Our offer is only for students from cooperating universities in the area of responsibility of studierendenWERK Berlin. If your college or university does not appear on the list below, you are not allowed to take part. Student IDs will be checked before the programme begins.
  • The universities are listed here.
  • Attention: The Bafög list does not apply.

  • A condition of participation is that we document the participants and their actions with texts, photos, audio and video recordings, which we will use from the start of participation and beyond the end of the project for public relations purposes, e.g. to advertise future programmes, for reporting, etc.




  • No superficially political or religious performances may be conveyed during a course, workshop or activity. No xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory content may be conveyed during a course, workshop or event. Should this occur, the house rules will be enforced and legal action will be taken if necessary.

  • Registration or application for the events is usually possible approx. three weeks before the respective date(s) via Eveeno or via the website. 
  • The selection process is described below for each action.
  • The registration or application and, if applicable, payment is made via Eveeno - you will receive the link after the selection process. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

  • The participation fee is paid to the contractual partner Eveeno via the payment method selected during registration.
  • For participation in certain activities - especially semester courses, weekly courses, workshops and excursions - a participation fee (nominal fee) is sometimes charged. This covers a small part of the costs (e.g. props, copies for sheet music, service providers, technical equipment, closing service, etc.).
  • The booking confirmation sent after completion of payment and a student ID card must be presented to the respective employee or manager of the department on the first date of the programme. 
  • For recurring courses (e.g. Free Players, Unity Choir, Improv Theatre), a new registration or application is required for each semester. 

  • It can always happen that you can't make an appointment or that the timetable at the university changes. But please remember to let us know! Otherwise a place will remain empty that someone on the waiting list would have liked to have got and we will incur unnecessary costs, because every place costs money.
  • Chargeable campaigns: Participants can cancel their participation up to 3 working days (MO - FR) before the start of the event by writing to kultur@stw.berlin. Since a cancellation and refund incur fees and administrative costs, studierendenWERK Berlin reserves the right to retain a processing fee of 1.20€.  
      • Event starts on Monday - cancellations until Tuesday before at 11.59 pm
        Event starts on Tuesday - cancellations until Wednesday before at 11.59 pm
        Event starts on Wednesday - cancellations until Thursday before at 11.59 pm
        Event starts on Thursday - cancellations until 23.59 on the previous Friday
        Event starts on Saturday or Sunday - cancellations until 23.59 on the previous Monday

  • Events subject to a fee: After expiry of the above-mentioned deadline, a refund is excluded. Should a cancellation nevertheless be desired, please contact us at kultur@stw.berlin to clarify further procedures in individual cases.
  • We need this lead time, e.g. to accept students from the waiting list or to provide leaders with binding figures on the expected participants.

  • In the event of non-appearance or cancellation of participation after the start of the event, there is no entitlement to a refund of the participation fee.

  • The studierendenWERK BERLIN reserves the right to cancel, change, extend or shorten events and activities at any time, even without giving reasons. In the event of cancellation of events subject to a fee, participants will receive a 100% refund of the participation fee. 
  • In the event of cancellations, changes or postponements, the reimbursement of participants' own material, replacement, follow-up or travel costs is excluded. 
  • The requirements of studierendenWERK and its employees with regard to data protection, copyright, security, fire protection, technology, occupational health and safety, etc. must be complied with.
  • The studierendenWERK may exclude individual participants from participation after registration or after the start of the campaign
    • if the instructions of the event management or course management are not followed, as the instructions serve in particular to ensure the smooth running of the event and safety at the venue
    • in the event of behaviour in actions that is contrary to the community despite prior warning, in particular disturbance of the action or event operations through noise or noise nuisance or through querulous behaviour. In the case of particularly serious misbehaviour, no prior warning is required.
    • Defamation of any kind towards course leaders, participants, employees of studierendenWERK Berlin or persons commissioned by studierendenWERK Berlin.
    • Violation of the venue's house rules.
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN cannot guarantee that all materials, technology, equipment etc. brought by the participants for the artistic-creative work can be set up or used during the event. Consultation and clarification is always necessary with the office for culture and international affairs.
  • The use of pyrotechnics, fog machines, confetti masses etc. is prohibited. 
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN cannot guarantee that all materials, technology, equipment, etc. required for the artistic-creative work will be procured or can be used. It may be necessary for participants to purchase the materials themselves. 

  • The studierendenWERK BERLIN cannot be held responsible for delays, losses and damage due to theft or losses and damage by third parties to objects, files and property or possessions of the participants, as well as the associated transport, arrivals and departures.
  • The studierendenWERK BERLIN accepts no liability for damage caused by the participants to third parties, in particular to equipment, material, etc. borrowed by the students for the entire duration of the preparation and realisation of an event.
  • The studierendenWERK BERLIN recommends that participants take out private liability insurance.

  • The participants assure that they own all rights to the artistic contributions and that these are free of third-party rights.

  • The participants assure that no personal rights are violated in the depiction of persons.
  • The participants indemnify the organiser against all third-party claims arising from the infringement of third-party rights and against all related expenses, in particular the costs of legal action.

  • The participants assure that they have the necessary rights of use for their artistic performances and do not infringe any copyright.
  • Images, audio and video recordings of participants as well as artistic works and objects created during the event and its preparation may be used by studierendenWERK without commercial intent. This also applies to the time after the event or project (e.g. for posters, calendars, information in connection with the event, general information material of the area, etc.). Use is not restricted in terms of time.
  • The studierendenWERK BERLIN is authorised to edit and redesign the contributions, in particular for the recompilation of trailers and teasers as well as for communication purposes.
  • The use is made without any claim to compensation or payment of fees.
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN undertakes to name the artists presented and to indicate the authorship of the works presented, as well as to name the author(s) of the respective image and sound files.
  • The authorship of works, objects and ideas remains with the respective authors. In the case of collaborative works, authorship may need to be clarified in detail. In this case, the participants involved undertake to settle the authorship among themselves and to inform studierendenWERK BERLIN and all participants in writing of the authorship.
  • If applicable, participants shall inform studierendenWERK which collecting society they belong to or whether works are licensed by collecting societies. This is already recorded in the registration form.
  • The consent is valid for an unlimited period of time and for an unlimited territory.

No. The clubs, courses, workshops and events are part of the cultural programme offered by studierendenWERK BERLIN for students in Berlin. Although it takes place in the university environment, it is not a university programme.

Special conditions of participation and additions for certain events

  • Every year, studierendenWERK BERLIN organises the ‘Mix it! Talents’ competition to promote student and international culture in Berlin. The participants can qualify for the performance at the Night of Talents in 7 preliminary rounds or open stages. The dates for the open stages can be found in the event calendar. The audience will decide the winner of the evening, who will then qualify for the Mix it! final. The aim of the Mix it! Final is to have a wide variety of student acts perform on one stage - to offer a ‘mix’ of different stage formats.
  • Rehearsal dates before the open stages or finals can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
  • For each act at the qualification dates there is a 50 EUR expense allowance. The winner of the respective audience prize wins 200 EUR (the expense allowance is waived) and gets the chance to take part in the ‘Mix it! Final’.
  • If a winner is unable to perform at the Night of Talents, the runners-up of the respective Open Stage will be given the chance to perform. If they are unable to perform, the chance goes to the third-placed contestants and so on. In the Mix it! Final, all the winners of the qualifying sessions will perform again.
  • The audience will also decide the winners of the Mix it! Final. There will be no expense allowances, but the audience prize of EUR 1000 will be awarded as the main prize. Voting will be carried out by the audience. Each visitor can cast two equal votes. Both votes must be given to two different competition entries. Prizes will be awarded according to the number of votes collected for each competition entry. The first prize goes to the competition entry that has collected the most votes. The winners will be announced on the evening of the event.

Special terms and conditions of participation

1.1. In the case of groups, at least half of the participants should be enrolled at one of the above-mentioned universities, e.g. 2 out of 4 or 1 out of 2. In the case of odd numbers, more than half should be enrolled, e.g. 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5. participants must be enrolled at the time of the event at which they qualify for the ‘Mix it! Night Of Talents’ at the time of the event in which they qualify. The certificate of enrolment must be submitted with the application.

1.2. If you qualify for the ‘Mix it! Night Of Talents’ but are no longer enrolled at one of the above-mentioned universities, you can still take part. However, this only applies to solo artists or groups that have the same participants at the Night of Talents as at the first performance. If the group constellation changes before the ‘Night of Talents’, the rule in point 1.2 applies again. 

1.3. The candidates can take part in the Mix it! Talents at 2 Open Stages.

1.4. However, once you have won an Open Stage, you are not allowed to register for another one in the same year.

1.5. Anyone who has ever taken part in the final, the Mix it! ‘Mix it! Night of Talents", is no longer allowed to register for the Mix it! Talents series.

1.6. The following applies to group sizes: Groups may have between 2 and 30 members. Artistically independent sub-groups, e.g. choirs, may apply. However, a choir may not apply more than once with subgroups, e.g. a choir with 100 members may apply with 3 subgroups of 33 members each.

What can I show on stage?

Groups and soloists should showcase their talent in a 10-minute performance on stage. The duration may be changed by the moderator at the qualification dates, depending on the number of participants who still wish to perform. There are no limits to the type of performance. You don't have to be a ‘professional’ - on the contrary! Mix it! is above all a place for creative people who work artistically alongside their studies.

How can I apply?

To apply, all you need to do is fill out the complete registration form, which is available on the studierendenWERK BERLIN website. In the case of groups, one contact person must register and agree to the conditions of participation for all participants.

Among other things, the registration form must state the date on which the participants would like to register. In addition, it must be stated which equipment is required or what is to be brought along.

A selection will be made by the kulturWERK team after the registration deadline. As the evening programme should not last longer than 120 minutes and we want to offer a varied stage programme, we reserve the right to wait for the registration deadline and then send out acceptances and cancellations. Participants will be informed as soon as possible whether they have been accepted. In individual cases, registration can also be made up to one day before the event. However, we cannot guarantee that the registration will be processed.

If rehearsals are requested in advance, it is essential to register in good time up to 2 weeks before the event.

If you need equipment that is not listed in the form, please contact us (email: kultur@stw.berlin) to clarify your requirements. It cannot be guaranteed that the required materials can be provided or used.



1. What is the Berlin Stories project?   

The studierendenWERK BERLIN organises the city writer project ‘Berlin Stories’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Berlin Stories’) to promote student creativity in Berlin.

The project is aimed at a Berlin student who writes literary texts from a student perspective over the course of a calendar year and publishes them on an online blog. The texts must relate thematically to Berlin.

The aim of the project is to offer students a platform for creative work. The project is explicitly open to all students who are enrolled at the universities cooperating with studierendenWERK BERLIN. They do not have to be professionals and do not have to be studying literature.

The project is open to all forms and types of artistic-literary expression and all creative-innovative approaches that can be represented in the form of an online blog. All literary genres are welcome and can also be combined. Other art forms (e.g. visual arts, photography) can also be included to complement the literary text or - in consultation - other social media channels.

The texts will be published online on the studierendenWERK BERLIN literature blog. Readings are also planned for the reading series organised by studierendenWERK BERLIN, as well as an opening and closing reading and a final project.

Furthermore, the texts produced during the project will be used for the studierendenWERK's literary anthology and published in it.

studierendenWERK BERLIN reserves the right to exclude texts from publication at any time without giving reasons.


2. Requirements and criteria

2.1. Requirements for the texts

a) The texts must be written by the student him/herself and within the respective project period.

b) The texts must be produced at regular intervals over the duration of the project (approx. one text per week, but at least two texts per month).

c) Each text must be accompanied by an image (photo/drawing etc.) in jpg or a video, as this is required by the blog format.

d) The texts must deal directly or indirectly with Berlin and the student perspective should be reflected in the texts.

e) All literary genres and genres are permitted and can be combined. Other arts (photography, film, visual arts) can be used to complement the text or, for example, text can also be reproduced as a film/podcast. The inclusion of social media channels is also possible after consultation.


2.2. Publication of contributions

The contributions must be sent at regular intervals (see point 2.1., b) to the BKI - Büro Kultur & Internationales des studierendenWERKs BERLIN at kultur@stw.berlin. After a review, the contributions will be published on a literature blog at https://www.stw.berlin/en/culture/.

Publications in print and other online media of the studierendenWERK BERLIN and, if applicable, potential co-operation partners can be carried out by the studierendenWERK BERLIN. This applies in particular to the studierendenWERK's literary anthology. This does not result in any additional payment for the writer.


2.3. Participation in public readings and performances

The student agrees to regularly take part in the reading series Lies los! organised by studierendenWERK BERLIN and to read texts of their own choice. In addition, a public reading will take place at the beginning and end of the project. At the final reading, the writer will present a final project.

Further public readings and appearances, e.g. at other events organised by studierendenWERK BERLIN or cooperation partners, are possible during and after the project period.

Important: No overtly political or religious content may be shown, e.g. advertising for political parties, political groups or churches. No xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, cruel to animals, content that jeopardises personal rights or other discriminatory or extremist content or symbols may be shown. Should this occur, the contribution will be excluded from publication without giving reasons. Legal action may also be taken if necessary.


3. Project duration

The project starts on 1 February of each calendar year and ends on 31 January of the following year. If the year is shared with another writer, the first half of the year runs from 1 February to 31 July and the second half from 1 August to 31 January.

During this time, the Stadtschreiber must be based mainly in Berlin (i.e. not spend a semester abroad, for example).


4. What do I get for my work?

For the duration of the project, the student will receive a Study&Work fee from the BKI - Office for Culture & International Affairs of studierendenWERK BERLIN, which is paid at €14.00 per hour, up to a maximum of €420.00, on presentation of a time sheet at the end of each month. This corresponds to a maximum of 30 working hours per month. No additional fee will be paid for the reprint in additional media of studierendenWERK BERLIN or for the fee-free reprint in media, which comes about through the mediation of studierendenWERK BERLIN.


5. How can I apply?

Die für die Bewerbung notwendigen Dokumente (Anmeldeformular, Motivationsschreiben, Textproben) werden auf der Webseite www.stw.berlin/kultur gelistet. Ggf. sollen die Unterlagen in anonymer Form abgegeben werden. Bitte auf die Informationen in der Beschreibung des Calls achten!


6. How is the student selected?

An expert jury with a student representative and the previous town clerk will select a student from the applicants. An appeal against the jury's decision is not possible. Legal recourse is excluded.


7. General requirements

  • Participants may only work for the ‘Berlin Stories’ project of studierendenWERK BERLIN for one term (1 year or 6 months). Rejected applicants may reapply for another term.

  • The texts created as part of Berlin Stories must be labelled by the author with the following addition when published in other media (book, anthology, magazine, film, radio feature, etc.): ‘This text/these texts were created as part of the Berlin Stories 20XX urban writing project of studierendenWERK BERLIN’

  • In addition to the Study&Work fee, studierendenWERK BERLIN does not cover any costs incurred in the course of the activity.

  • studierendenWERK BERLIN accepts no liability for the media or aids used.

  • Supplementary media content, e.g. photos or images, are permitted as long as the rights to them can be proven. This must be documented.


8. Disqualification

Applicants who

- do not fulfil the above requirements

- whose application documents are incomplete

- whose application is received after the application deadline

will be disqualified.

- Applicants who are not present in Berlin during the relevant period will also be disqualified.


9. Overview of the dates

  • Project duration: 1 February - 31 January of the following year or 1 February - 31 July and 1 August - 31 January.
  • Regular readings during the lecture period on the reading platform ‘Lies los’
  • Kick-off reading in January and final reading in summer or January
  • Final project at the graduation event
  • As well as further appearances if necessary


1. What is the STW's intercultural writing group ‘TextTransit’?

With the intercultural writing group ‘TextTransit’, the STW offers student authors a platform to promote their creativity and express their diversity in Berlin. It is aimed at students who would like to improve their self-written texts in a group under the guidance of an author over a longer period of time.

It is possible to apply in German as well as in other languages if the participants are able to translate themselves into German, although a perfect literary translation is not required.


2. Requirements, criteria and conditions

The texts must be written by the student him/herself. All literary genres and genres are permitted and can be combined.

Applicants do not have to be finished authors or be studying literature. However, the group is intended for students who are already writing or have started their first attempts and who want to work seriously and over a longer period of time on their texts and thus improve their writing.

Participants should regularly take part in the group and also in the associated literary presentations (intermediate reading and final reading).

The studierendenWERK BERLIN reserves the right to publish the texts on the online literature blog and in its literary anthology. studierendenWERK BERLIN reserves the right to exclude texts from readings at any time without giving reasons.

Important: No overtly political or religious content may be published. No xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, cruel to animals, content that jeopardises personal rights or other discriminatory or extremist content or symbols may be shown. Should this happen, the participant will be immediately excluded from the group without giving reasons. Legal action may also be taken if necessary.


3. What do I get for my work?

Students do not receive any remuneration for their work.


4. How can I apply?

The application modalities are listed at https://www.stw.berlin/en/culture/ in the current event calendar entry for the call for applications. The application modalities and the application deadline must be observed.


5. How is the student selected?

The head of the TextTransit group selects 10 to 12 students from the applicants based on the submitted texts and letters of motivation. It is not possible to appeal against the decision of the director. Legal recourse is excluded.


6. Participation fee

 A participation fee of 25 euros is charged per semester.


7. General requirements

The studierendenWERK BERLIN does not assume any costs incurred in the course of the activity. studierendenWERK BERLIN accepts no liability for the media or aids used.


8. Disqualification

Applicants who

- do not fulfil the above requirements and

- whose application documents are incomplete

will be disqualified.

StudierendenWERK BERLIN and the Centre Régional des Oeuvres universitaires de Paris (CROUS de Paris) are the project partners (hereinafter referred to as ‘partners’) of the exchange project. The topics may change from year to year.

The aim of the exchange project is to offer students from both cities a platform to work together in the field of music. One student from Paris and one from Berlin can take part each year.

The artistic competition is an international, artistic and interdisciplinary project organised by CROUS de Paris together with studierendenWERK BERLIN. A further aim of the project is to facilitate joint artistic work between students from Paris in Berlin and to promote networking between students. It should offer the opportunity to familiarise themselves with other artistic working methods and the local working conditions of artists in Paris and Berlin. The encounter between the young artists has also resulted in new projects in which the students continue to work together and take the creative energy from the experience with them.

The exchange begins online and continues in Paris, where they work together on a musical production.  The process of working together is at least as important as the results. The results will be produced and recorded in Paris and presented to the audience in Berlin on 21 June 2024 at the Fête de la musique (as a guest contribution).

The exchange is open to individuals and to all forms and types of musical expression.

Travel costs, accommodation and meals during the stays in both cities are covered by the project partners. During the project part in Berlin, the Berlin students live in their flats and are not entitled to accommodation in a Berlin hotel.

The dates for 2024 are:

  • Application period: 29.01.-29.02.2024
  • Application deadline: 29 February 2024, 11:59 pm
  • Results: until 15 March 2024
  • Online meeting: end of March 2024
  • Stay in Paris: 08-12 April 2024
  • Stay in Berlin: 18-22 June 2024
  • Performance (Fête de la musique) in Berlin: 21 June 2024


Participation in the entire programme is compulsory.


1. Who from Berlin can take part in the project?

Individuals can apply for the exchange project.

The exchange is open to all students who are enrolled at one of studierendenWERK BERLIN's partner universities in Berlin at the time of the call for applications and the realisation of the project. (winter semester 23/24, summer semester 2024).

The universities are listed here.

Students from other universities cannot be considered.

Students at Parisian universities apply via the project partner CROUS de Paris. The conditions of participation and the application modalities are harmonised, but not 100% identical, which is due to different legal and organisational requirements for both project partners.

Participants must fulfil the following requirements:

- be of legal age

- be available in the periods from 8-12 April 2024 and 18-22 June 2024

- at least level B1 in English and/or French.

- Willingness to travel by train between Paris and Berlin

- Willingness to perform on stage in front of an audience in Berlin

It is not necessary to have certified musical skills or to be working or studying in a music-related field. You do not need to be a ‘music professional’ or have previous stage experience. Applications from all genres are welcome! However, a musical sample must be submitted with the application, see point 3.


2. How can I apply?

Applications are submitted via a form on the website https://www.stw.berlin/en/culture/. Each application requires at least

  • 1 online form
  • 1 letter of motivation
  • The applicant's proof of enrolment
  • An audio or video recording with a length of at least 2 minutes or at least 1 song. The audio quality is of utmost importance (a link from Youtube and/or spotify, soundcloud or similar can also be sent).


The form of the letter of motivation is not specified. However, it should be clear from the letter of motivation why you are interested in working internationally with students from Paris and Berlin.

Important: No overtly political or religious performances may be submitted, produced and/or shown either in the application or during the production or on stage. No xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory content may be shown. Should this occur, the house rules will be enforced and legal action will be taken if necessary.


3. Application deadline

The application deadline or deadline for submission can be found in the call. The time at which the form is sent applies. However, the deadline can be extended by the organisers without giving reasons. The current deadline is published on the website of studierendenWERK BERLIN.

Any incomplete application or applications received after the valid deadline will not be considered and will be excluded from the project.


4. How does the selection process work?

An independent joint jury will select the participants from Berlin and Paris.

The jury consists of at least one representative each from studierendenWERK BERLIN from the Culture, International Affairs & Competences department and CROUS de Paris, two to three student representatives and at least one person from the professional music sector.

The jury's decision cannot be contested and does not have to be explained or justified. Legal recourse is excluded.


5. Get to know each other online

Once the results have been announced, the selected students will have an initial meeting with all the organising teams and the accompanying music professionals or technicians. The aim of this meeting is to give the students the opportunity to get to know each other and clarify any questions they may have.

After this, students are strongly advised to organise regular meetings to start developing ideas and define the formats they would like to adopt for the creation of the music production.


6. Artistic residency

Students take part in two artistic residencies to enable them to create music together. During their stay in Paris, participants benefit from individual and collective meetings with a professional in the music field to help them structure and realise their project.

The production of the artistic creation is free of charge, which means that students can use all the resources available to them and provided by the organisers. The final result must be a sound recording or performance lasting a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes.

The participants will be supervised by technicians in Berlin in preparation for their joint performance at the Fête de la musique.

Participants must take part in both artistic residencies. It is therefore strongly recommended that you make the necessary arrangements to be available on the dates indicated above.

What is the competition ‘Film it! - Your film in 48 hours"?  

"Film it! - Your film in 48 hours’ is a short film competition for students, which aims to complete a short film in 48 hours. The short film must be created on a specific topic and with specific elements as specified by the organiser. The aim of the competition is to offer students a platform for collaborative, interdisciplinary and creative work. The project is explicitly open to all students who are enrolled at the universities cooperating with studierendenWERK BERLIN. They do not have to be professionals or studying media or film.

The competition is open to all forms and types of artistic-creative cinematic expression and all creative-innovative approaches. All genres are welcome.

Submitted films have the opportunity to take part in a public screening during the closing event and receive one of the audience prizes.

What can you win? How do you vote?

Ten to fifteen films will have the opportunity to win an audience award and be shown at the closing event. The number of participating teams is limited to 15.

A total of three audience prizes will be awarded at the closing event.

1st Price: 500€
2nd Price: 350€
3rd Price: 250€

The vote is cast by the audience. Each visitor can cast two votes of equal value. Both votes must be given to two different competition entries. Prizes will be awarded according to the number of votes collected per competition entry. The first prize goes to the competition entry that has collected the most votes. The 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded accordingly. The winners will be announced on the screening evening.

The date for the event ‘Screening & Award Ceremony’ will be published on the website stw.berlin/en/culture.

Who can apply?

Both production teams and individuals can take part in the short film competition as long as the requirements below are met. Participants must be enrolled at a Berlin university that cooperates with studierendenWERK BERLIN. The list of universities can be found here.

  • Certificates of enrolment must be submitted with the application.
  • Participants do not have to be ‘professionals’ - on the contrary! Film it! is above all a place for creative people who work artistically alongside their studies.
  • In production teams, at least half of the participants should be enrolled at one of the above-mentioned universities, e.g. 2 out of 4 or 1 out of 2. In the case of odd numbers, more than half should be enrolled, e.g. 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5. There is no maximum number of members.
  • Actors are not affected by this rule. They are not part of the production team, which means that other performers who are not (or no longer) students can also be part of the project.
  • Each team appoints a main contact person before registration. The main contact person signs all documents and assumes responsibility on behalf of the team.
  • Production team means: director, assistant director, cameraman or camerawoman, assistant to the cameraman or camerawoman, scriptwriter, editor, set, costume and/or lighting designer and producer.
  • The main contact person must be enrolled at one of the above-mentioned universities
  • The main contact person may receive the audience award.
  • Other members of the production team are not entitled to receive the Audience Award from studierendenWERK BERLIN. Any claims must be clarified within the production team.
  • Participants may take part in the competition as often as they wish.
  • The condition for participation is that we document the participants and their projects, in particular performances, presentations, contributions and works with texts, photos, sound and video recordings, which we will use from the beginning of participation and beyond the end of the project for public relations purposes, e.g. to advertise future programmes, for reporting, etc.


How does the competition work? When will the topic be announced? When does the 48 hours start? What am I allowed to show?

The topic will be announced on a Friday at 5 pm at the kick-off event. The date will be published on the website stw.berlin/en/culture. The kickoff event will take place online via Webex. In addition, three elements will be specified that must appear in the film. These three elements can be objects, sentences, names of people, etc. The topic and the elements are the same for all teams.

At least the main contact person from the film team must attend the kick-off event.

During the kickoff event, the rules of the competition will be explained and the organisers will hand over the following documents, information and/or objects to the representatives of all teams:

- Topic

- Three elements. The three elements must be part of the film content.

- Declarations that must be completed, signed and returned with the film.


At the end of the meeting at 6 pm, the 48 hours available for completing the short films will begin.

The films will be handed in the following Sunday from 5 to 6 pm. The completed short films must be handed in together with the required signed documents and declarations. The film and documents will be submitted digitally.

The type of film expression depends on the given topics and there are no limits.

Important: However, no overtly political or religious content may be conveyed in the film. No xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, cruel to animals, endangering personal rights or other discriminatory or extremist content or symbols may be shown in the film. Should this happen, the film will be excluded from the competition without giving reasons. Legal action may also be taken if necessary.

How can I register? Where do I register? Is there a deadline?

All you need to do to register is fill out the complete registration form, which is available on the studierendenWERK BERLIN website. In the case of groups, one main contact person must register and agree to the conditions of participation for everyone. When submitting the film, the original declaration of consent must be signed by all members.

The deadline for registration is 1 pm on the day of the kick-off.

Technology and equipment

The organiser does not provide any technology and/or equipment for the competition or for shooting the films.

The organiser will not assume any costs incurred during the production. The organiser accepts no liability for the technology used.

All types of cameras, microphones and/or mobile phones may be used as long as the technical characteristics described in point 7 are observed.

Technical characteristics and general specifications for the submitted films

The duration of the short film must be between 1 and 6 minutes, including opening and/or closing credits. The following wording must be included in the opening or closing credits:

"This film was made for ’Film it! - Your film in 48 hours. The 1st short film competition of the studierendenWERK BERLIN"

and the logo of studierendenWERK BERLIN, which will be sent to you by e-mail.

The following information must appear before the opening credits or film begins:

‘Name of the film team, date and film title’

Archive films, animations, photos, effects or graphic images are permitted as long as you own the rights to them. Proof of this must be provided.


We recommend the following preparations before the start of the 48 hours:

- Composition of the team

- Pre-selection of the actors

- Compilation of the technical equipment

- Pre-selection of the filming locations (please note point 10 Filming permits)

- Preselection of music (please note point 11 Music usage)

Formats for the delivery of the film

The films must be in one of the following formats: VOB, MP4, MOV, WMV.

Please check that the film can be played with one of the common WINDOWS media players (VLC, Windows Media Player).

Filming permit

The filming authorisations, if required, must be obtained by the teams themselves. If the film is to be shot in a flat or on private property, you will need the consent of the owner. If you are filming on public streets or in the underground, suburban railway or similar, please inform yourself about the necessary documents or permits and the legal requirements. It is recommended that the teams deal with the authorisations promptly, as a certain lead time is often required. General information on this can be found here:


The organiser is not liable for filming on public roads or public transport that does not meet the requirements for filming without a permit. The organiser is not liable for filming in general.

Any penalties incurred by the participants due to a filming permit not being carried or not being available are to be paid by the participants.

Music rights

Music may only be used if:

- it is free from exploitation society claims (e.g. GEMA)

- the film teams have the rights of use for all pieces of music included in the film (proof of this must be submitted with the film)

- falls under the Creative Commons licence (https://creativecommons.org/): in this case, please name the band or singers in the credits, as well as the source of the music

- it was composed specifically for the production (proof to be submitted with the film)


Participants who

- do not fulfil the above requirements

- have not submitted the film by 6 pm

- exceed the maximum length

- do not present the enrolment certificate of at least half of the team

- do not have the rights or declarations for the use of music

- do not follow the instructions in point 4

- publish the film before the award ceremony

- trailers are exempt from this rule.

will be disqualified.

Expense allowance

The film teams will receive an expense allowance of €75 if

- at least half of the team is enrolled and the enrolment certificates have been submitted subsequently

- if the film has been submitted by the deadline

- if the film or the team is not disqualified for the above-mentioned reasons

- if all documents have been submitted by the screening (the documents will be sent by e-mail after the kick-off)


To register for the ‘Freispieler’ theatre group, a short letter of motivation must be submitted. This should describe your experience with theatre and why you would like to join the Freispielers. Depending on the theme of the play, the course leader may ask for a thematically appropriate work sample or suggestions for the play or other writing work. Further information can be found in the corresponding calendar entry.

An application does not entitle you to participate in the course. The course leader decides which people are selected as participants for the course.

The letter of motivation should be sent to the following e-mail address: kultur@stw.berlin