Terms and conditions of participation for events without selection process

(as of April 2024)

By registering for events organised by the culture & international affairs department (aka Kulturwerk), participants declare that they have taken note of all the points listed below and that they agree with all the points listed below. Please note that special conditions of participation, notes and additions apply to some activities. These are listed below.

The culture & international affairs department (aka Kulturwerk) regularly organises events, exhibitions, courses, workshops and various activities in the areas of Stage & Music, Get Together, Literature, Art Space, Film and Diversity. These include talent competitions, theatre projects, get-togethers, readings, games evenings and book clubs.

Our purpose is to offer Berlin students a range of events and workshops where they can try things out, get creative and develop their talents in rooms and safe spaces. Students from all disciplines and backgrounds can network and do things together. ‘Giving space’, ‘living diversity’ and ‘promoting creativity’ are the guiding principles of our work.

The Kulturwerk sees the events as an important contribution to its self-imposed goal of living diversity and promoting student creativity. The activities also promote encounters between students, across universities and faculties.

The activities are organised and partly led by employees of studierendenWERK, but are also usually led by external professional partners. The topics are developed from student demand against the background of an expanded concept of culture.


The individual activities are published on the website stw.berlin/en/culture. The variety of activities on offer is very wide, we offer 2-hour workshops and activities, but also courses that take place regularly once a week or every 2 weeks. The information on the respective course, workshop or event should always be taken from the website.

  • Our offer is only for students from cooperating universities in the area of responsibility of studierendenWERK Berlin. If your college or university does not appear on the list below, you are not allowed to take part. Student IDs will be checked before the programme begins.
  • The universities are listed here.
  • Attention: The Bafög list does not apply.

  • A condition of participation is that we document the participants and their actions with texts, photos, audio and video recordings, which we will use from the start of participation and beyond the end of the project for public relations purposes, e.g. to advertise future programmes, for reporting, etc.


  • No superficially political or religious performances may be conveyed during a course, workshop or activity. No xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory content may be conveyed during a course, workshop or event. Should this occur, the house rules will be enforced and legal action will be taken if necessary.

  • Registration for the events is usually possible approx. three weeks before the respective date/dates via Eveeno or via the website.
  • Registration and, if applicable, payment is made via Eveeno - the link can be found in the event calendar entry. Incomplete registrations will not be considered.
  • The participation fee will be paid to the contractual partner Eveeno via the payment method selected during registration.
  • For participation in certain events - especially semester courses, weekly courses, workshops and excursions - a participation fee (nominal fee) is sometimes charged. This covers a small part of the costs (e.g. props, copies for sheet music, service providers, technical equipment, closing service, etc.).
  • Places are generally allocated on a first come, first served basis. However, there are internal selection processes for individual events. Please note the special conditions of participation listed below.
  • Registration is only possible for individual persons.
  • Registration is personal and non-transferable.
  • If more registrations are received than there are places available, a waiting list will be kept.
  • The booking confirmation sent after completion of payment as well as a student ID must be presented to the respective staff member of the department or management on the first date of the programme.
  • For recurring courses (e.g. Free Players, Unity Choir, Improv Theatre), a new registration is required for each semester.

  • It can always happen that you can't make an appointment or that the timetable at the university changes. But please remember to let us know! Otherwise a place will remain empty that someone on the waiting list would have liked to have got and we will incur unnecessary costs, because every place costs money.
  • Paid events: Participants can cancel their participation in writing to kultur@stw.berlin up to 3 working days (Monday to Friday) before the start of the event. Since a cancellation and refund incur fees and administrative costs, studierendenWERK Berlin reserves the right to retain a processing fee of €1.20
    • Event starts on Monday - cancellations until Tuesday before 11.59 pm 
    • Event starts on Tuesday - cancellations until Wednesday before at 11.59 pm
    • Event starts on Wednesday - cancellations until Thursday before at 11.59 pm
    • Event starts on Thursday - cancellations until 23.59 on the previous Friday
    • Event starts on Friday - cancellations until 23.59 on the previous Monday
    • Event starts on Saturday or Sunday - cancellations until 23.59 on the Tuesday before
  • Paid events: After the above deadline a refund is excluded. If a cancellation is nevertheless desired, please contact us at kultur@stw.berlin to clarify further procedures in individual cases.

  • We need this lead time, e.g. to accept students from the waiting list or to provide leaders with binding figures on the expected participants.
  • In the event of non-appearance or cancellation of participation after the start of the event, there is no entitlement to a refund of the participation fee.

  • The studierendenWERK BERLIN reserves the right to cancel, change, extend or shorten events and activities at any time, even without giving reasons. In the event of cancellation of events subject to a fee, participants will receive a 100% refund of the participation fee.
  • In the event of cancellations, changes or postponements, the reimbursement of participants' own material, replacement, follow-up or travel costs is excluded.
  • The requirements of studierendenWERK and its employees with regard to data protection, copyright, safety, fire protection, technology, occupational health and safety, etc. must be complied with.
  • studierendenWERK may exclude individual participants from participation after registration or after the start of the event
    • in the event of non-compliance with the instructions of the event management or course management, as the instructions serve in particular to ensure the smooth running of the event and safety at the event location
    • in the event of behaviour that is contrary to the spirit of the event despite prior warning, in particular disruption of the event or event operations through noise or noise pollution or through disruptive behaviour. In the case of particularly serious misbehaviour, no prior warning is required.
    • Defamatory behaviour of any kind towards course leaders, participants, employees of studierendenWERK Berlin or persons commissioned by studierendenWERK Berlin.
    • Violation of the house rules of the venue. 
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN cannot guarantee that all materials, technology, equipment etc. brought by the participants for the artistic-creative work can be set up or used during the event. Consultation and clarification is always necessary with the Culture and International Office.
  • The use of pyrotechnics, fog machines, confetti masses etc. is prohibited.
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN cannot guarantee that all materials, technology, equipment, etc. required for the artistic-creative work can be procured or used. Participants may have to purchase the materials themselves.

  • studierendenWERK BERLIN cannot be held responsible for delays, losses and damage due to theft or losses and damage by third parties to objects, files and property or possessions of the participants, as well as the associated transport, arrivals and departures.
  • The studierendenWERK BERLIN rejects any liability for damage caused by the participants to third parties, in particular to equipment, material, etc. borrowed by the students for the entire duration of the preparation and realisation of an event.
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN recommends that participants take out private liability insurance.

  • The participants assure that they own all rights to the artistic contributions and that these are free of third-party rights.
  • The participants assure that no personal rights are violated in the depiction of persons.
  • The participants indemnify the organiser against all third-party claims arising from the infringement of third-party rights and against all related expenses, in particular the costs of legal action.

  • The participants assure that they have the necessary rights of use for their artistic performances and do not infringe any copyright.
  • Images, audio and video recordings of participants as well as artistic works and objects created during the event and its preparation may be used by studierendenWERK without commercial intent. This also applies to the time after the event or project (e.g. for posters, calendars, information in connection with the event, general information material of the area, etc.). Use is not restricted in terms of time.
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN is authorised to edit and redesign the contributions, in particular for the recompilation of trailers and teasers as well as for communication purposes.
  • The use is without entitlement to compensation or payment of fees.
  • studierendenWERK BERLIN undertakes to name the artists presented and to indicate the authorship of the works presented when using them, as well as to name the author(s) of the respective image and sound files.
  • The authorship of works, objects and ideas remains with the respective authors. In the case of collaborative works, authorship may need to be clarified in detail. In this case, the participants involved undertake to settle the authorship among themselves and to inform studierendenWERK BERLIN and all participants in writing of their joint authorship.
  • If applicable, participants shall inform studierendenWERK which collecting society they belong to or whether works are licensed by collecting societies. This is already recorded in the registration form.
  • The consent is valid for an unlimited period of time and for an unlimited territory.

  • No. The clubs, courses, workshops and events are part of the cultural programme offered by studierendenWERK BERLIN for students in Berlin. Although it takes place in the university environment, it is not a university programme.

Special conditions of participation and additions for certain events 

  • Unity is the choir for everyone at studierendenWERK BERLIN and has around 250 student members from all the universities with which studierendenWERK BERLIN cooperates. The choir has existed since 2014 and is a project of the Culture and International Affairs department of studierendenWERK Berlin.
  • The studierendenWERK Berlin is the first point of contact for questions regarding membership, registration, final concerts, acquiring sheet music, service providers and all other matters relating to the Freiraum. The choir director is the first point of contact for musical and content-related questions.
  • In addition, there is a student organisation team in the choir, the so-called choir ordination. The choir ordination takes care of various coordination tasks in choir operations, develops new ideas and suggestions, organises the rehearsal day, the choir rehearsal weekend, parties, special events, etc. They also liaise with the BKI on behalf of the choir members. All members of the choir ordination work on a voluntary basis. Everyone in the choir is welcome to get involved in the choir ordination.
  • The condition for participation is to use all the tools suggested by the choir leaders (video conferencing tools, chat tools, communication tools, etc.). The use of the tools is necessary for successful participation in the choir and required for the successful organisation of rehearsals.
  • What is sung: The choir sings pop music in three to six-part arrangements. The choir sings both very current songs as well as classics from pop history, such as Queen's ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ or ‘Beat it’ by Michael Jackson. As a rule, four to six larger pieces are sung each term. There are also smaller canons and something the choir calls ‘Music of the Moment’: pieces of music improvised in the large group.
  • Do I have to be able to read music?: No. As in any choir, musical understanding helps, but you will also have fun and be able to use your voice without it. You can also learn a lot in the rehearsals and workshops on rehearsal days and weekends.
  • When and where does the choir rehearse?: Rehearsals take place every Wednesday during term time from 18:30 to 21:00. In addition, there are usually one or two additional rehearsal days on a Saturday or Sunday as well as a rehearsal weekend. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the semester. 
  • Is there an audition? No. When we say ‘choir for everyone at studierendenWERKs BERLIN’, we mean it.
  • When and where does the choir perform?: At the end of the semester, 1 to 2 final concerts with an audience are planned, in which we show what we have sung during the semester. We also perform at official events organised by studierendenWERK BERLIN or the universities (e.g. Fete de la Musiwue, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, etc.), cooperation concerts with other musicians, flash mobs and spontaneous performances.
  • What is the ‘Werkstattchor’?: The workshop choir is a small ensemble within an ensemble. Singers who have already been singing with us for one or more semesters have the opportunity to get involved musically. They lead vocal rehearsals, assist with the selection of pieces and sing their own, more ambitious pieces. As the choir director requires musical understanding, there is a small audition for this ensemble.

  • The CultureTrips are excursions organised by the Culture & International Office ‘Kulturwerk’ of the studierendenWERK BERLIN. The aim of the trips is to make it easier for students in Berlin to access the cultural diversity of the city and its surrounding area, which can be reached via day trips. The excursions also promote encounters between students, across universities and faculties. The Cultural Office sees the CultureTrips as an important contribution to its self-imposed goal of living diversity and promoting student creativity.
  • The Cultural Office is the point of contact for questions and requests in the run-up to the trips. The actual excursions are supervised by student employees (so-called ‘cultural guides’). The cultural guides are the contact persons for questions during the excursion. At the end of the trip, the cultural office of the studierendenWERK BERLIN is again the point of contact for questions, feedback, suggestions, criticism and compliments.

- Due to the sensitivity of the topics, there will only be documentation with photos or videos in close consultation with the participants. Participants are prohibited from taking photos that show other participants.

Declaration and release from liability for the self-defence and self-assertion workshop:
1.1 Participation in the training is voluntary and at your own risk.

1.2 The participating persons are aware that Muay Thai/self-assertion/self-defence is a contact sport/contact form of movement in which there is more or less physical contact and the risk of serious injury can never be completely ruled out.

1.3 The participating persons assure that they are in good health and have consulted a doctor regarding any existing injuries and/or other health restrictions before participating in the training and have informed the trainer accordingly. If complaints of any kind or discomfort occur during the training session, the participant must inform the trainer immediately.

1.4 Participants are aware that performing the exercises incorrectly and carelessly can have serious consequences for their health.

1.5 Participants hereby indemnify the trainer and vicarious agents against all liability claims. This includes all direct and indirect damages, as well as all claims by authorised third parties due to injuries suffered. This does not apply if damage is attributable to gross negligence or wilful intent on the part of the trainer or vicarious agents.

1.6 The trainer accepts no liability for the loss of or damage to any items brought along.

- With ‘Read on!’, the STW offers student authors a platform to promote their creativity in Berlin. It is aimed at students who would like to read their self-written texts to an audience.

- The texts that are read during the event must be written by the readers themselves.

- There are no formal or content-related requirements for the texts. The reading time should not exceed 15 minutes. The authors must not have published anything yet. Foreign-language texts can also be read. If the text is not in English, a translation should be available.

- The platform is open to all forms and types of artistic-literary expression and all creative-innovative approaches. All literary genres are welcome and can also be combined.

- The texts can also be published online on the literature blog of studierendenWERK BERLIN. A declaration of consent must be signed for this purpose.

- The studierendenWERK BERLIN reserves the right to exclude texts from the readings at any time without giving reasons.

- Participants do not have to be ‘professionals’ - on the contrary! The project is primarily a place for creative people who work artistically alongside their studies.

- Participants are also welcome to take part in the reading series several times, each time with new texts.

- Participants do not receive any payment for their work.

- Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis via the linked form in the event calendar. As the evening programme should not last longer than 120 minutes, we reserve the right to close the registration list after the corresponding number of participants. Participants will be informed shortly after registration whether they have been accepted. In individual cases, registration can also be made up to one day before the event. However, we cannot then guarantee that the registration will be processed.