Get Together

Our Get Together offers are especially interesting for international students and new residents, because they can discover Berlin and its surroundings as well as meet new people.

Current excursions and get together events can be found in our event calendar!

Get Together event series

Foto: stW BERLIN

Foto: stW BERLIN

New country, new city, new university, new environment? Great! With our Get Together Events you will quickly meet new people. A lot of fun and shared experiences are at the first priority. You will meet other students and experience fun evenings with them. From game evenings in the Freiraum to cooking evenings in the virtual world.

Every semester, you can expect an exciting compilation of diverse social and interactive events. Always according to the motto: Widen your social circle!

The Get Together series takes place in English and is international in scope.

All events can be attended independently and multiple times. We are already looking forward to meeting you more often!



Foto: H. Gagam / stW BERLIN

Exploring the depths of Berlin underground, a day at the beach, rappelling in a climbing forest, a tour of multicultural Kreuzberg or a visit to the former Stasi prison Hohenschönhausen; Berlin is best discovered together. And on our CultureTrips at particularly low prices.

The Kulturwerk regularly organizes a variety of excursions & tours for students during the lecture period. These activities are a great opportunity to discover new things together with other students and to make contacts in the process. 


pdf: Teilnahmebedingungen CultureTrips (194.94 KB)

Welcome to Berlin & Celebrate Berlin

Foto: S. Wedemeyer / stW BERLIN

Foto: S. Wedemeyer / stW BERLIN

The Welcome to Berlin and Celebrate Berlin event series aim to present Berlin's multifaceted culture to newly arrived and especially international students and to give student artists the opportunity to perform in front of a great international audience. Come by, be inspired by the performances and get in touch with new people!

In the summer semester, the Kulturwerk organizes the event Celebrate Berlin. No matter in which form you prefer to express yourself, whether it is street art, literature, fashion or music, whether you perform, dance or sing, be part of it! There will be an interesting social program and great food prepared for you. Celebrate Berlin! We celebrate Berlin and its diversity!

During the winter semester, Kulturwerk hosts the Welcome to Berlin event. Berlin can be confusing at first. Culture is on every corner and there's something going on everywhere. Through a kind of mini-Berlinfestival that takes place on one evening only, we ask ourselves what makes up Berlin's culture and want to present its different facets. With our event we want to show how diverse and lively Berlin's student cultural scene is and therefore invite student artists from Berlin to present their talents. So come, see the acts, eat and meet new people!

If you want to perform yourself or if you have any questions or suggestions, please send us an email to  

We are looking forward to seeing you!