Our art section is summed up in the KUNSTRAUM program. The program offers new spaces at various locations of studierendenWERK BERLIN throughout the city. Students can express themselves artistically, for example through exhibitions, installations, performances and media works.
KUNSTRAUM also offers international projects such as "ParisXBerlin", a short-term artistic residency in Paris and Berlin, or "Emerging Lines", an exhibition program with the cities of Riga, Wroclaw and Paris.
You can find all the current calls for participation in our event calendar under the tag "Art." If you want to stay up to date, you can subscribe to the Art newsletter:
KUNSTRAUM digital is the platform for virtual projects, exhibitions and actions. It accompanies, complements and opens new virtual spaces for the BKI's visual arts programme.
Last but not least, KUNSTRAUM courses and the Creative Lab offer a platform for a creative practice: they are run by professional artists and actors from the Berlin art and cultural scene. Registration usually takes place before the start of the semester.
KUNSTRAUM Infoboard: even more exhibitions, competitions, press reviews...

With the digital program for fine arts we provide an open space for experiments and the possibility to rethink and use art in a new way. Art should not be decided by space and the materiality of its composition. Art should be able to develop freely within the given context. To work, interact, play with this context, question it and use it at the same time. This allows to share production and product at the same time and to test and convey a new sense of sensuality for the works of art.
KR Potsdamer Straße

KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße | studierendenWERK BERLIN
The KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße consists of a gallery of approx. 260 sqm and two parking decks of a total of approx. 1800 sqm in the underground car park. This location with its special rooms has developed into a kind of "branch office" of the BKI, in which we realize group exhibitions and actions as well as selected individual presentations from April to September.
Other Art Spaces

Foto: Friederike Goebbels, Any Time Money
Art spaces in dormitories, refectories and BAföG Office
In the Mensa Veggie 2.0, in the Schinkel Hall of the HU Mensa Nord, as well as in the BAföG office, there are attractive art spaces, which are used for various exhibitions throughout the year.
Due to the high number of visitors to these places, these spaces offer a very attractive platform for the artists exhibiting there.
You can find the current exhibitions in the event calendar under the tag "Art Space".
International Projects

Foto: Lea Schmitt
ParisXBerlin combines a one-week workshop with a final event in Paris and Berlin. The workshops and events usually take place in April in Paris and in June in Berlin (2020 postponed to October and December). Under the direction and with the support of professional artists a joint work will be created, which will then be presented to the public in Paris and Berlin.
Emerging Lines promotes talented art and design students* from the cities of Paris, Berlin, Wroclaw and Riga through a series of exhibitions. The aim is not only to present emerging talents and new artistic positions, but also to promote artistic careers in a European context.

Foto: STW Berlin
Working creatively on your own is a perfect balance to your studies and helps to clear your head. Under the tag "Course" you will find the current offer as well as information about registration in the event calendar.
A life drawing course with constantly changing models takes place every Monday afternoon from 4 - 6pm during the semester - Course instructor: Paula Schwabe
A course in experimental drawing with introduction to basic techniques takes place every Wednesday afternoon during the semester - Course instructor: Eva-Maria Unglaube
Open CALL & Creative Lab

Foto: STW Berlin
If you would like to realise an exhibition concept in one of our art spaces, please feel free to contact us ( Claudia Brieske, a professional artist in our team, will help you with your projects.
The Creative Lab is part of the Kunstraum programme and the platform especially for creatively working and art students to promote and professionalise their artistic processes, to prepare, support and network them for the time after their studies through workshops, as well as the intensification of special topics through artist talks, lectures, video screenings and more. Professional actors from Berlin's art and culture scene, as well as students with special skills, experience and qualifications, run a diverse workshop and discourse programme that is orientated towards the direct, practical and current needs of the students.
In addition, the Culture & International Office regularly organizes artistic competitions or publishes calls for proposals and competitions from partner organizations, e.g. the German Student Union.
Under the tag "Calls" you can find the current calls in the event calendar.
Other Actions

Foto: STW Berlin
The Office of Culture & International Affairs (BKI) works together with various student, self-organized groups and initiatives that organize exhibition projects and activities across universities or are active in the arts while studying.
For inquiries and information about support possibilities from our side, please contact
The guidelines for the support of student projects can be found here
Files | |
xls: Costs and financing plan student projects (39.50 KB) |
Files | |
docx: Project application student projects (1.38 MB) |
KR Storkower Straße

Foto: STW Berlin
The studierendenWERK BERLIN has realized a competition for the facade design of the dormitory Storkower Straße in 2019.
Anna Rupprecht, student of visual communication at the HTW, was the winner of the competition and was able to design a 500 m² wall. The figurative depiction interprets the diversity and internationality of student life in Berlin with an individual artistic signature. The mural, 33 x 14 m in size, can be seen at Storkower Straße 219, 10367 Berlin-Lichtenberg.