International Projects
PARISXBERLIN | 2016-2020
ParisXBerlin combines a week-long workshop with final events in Paris and Berlin. The workshops and the two events are normally schedueled in April (Paris) and July (Berlin). Under the leadership and with the support of renowned artists a collaborative work is created and then presented to audiences in Paris and Berlin.
Emerging Lines | 2019-2020
Emerging Lines uplifts art and design students from Paris, Berlin, Breslau und Riga through a series of exhibitions. It is all about presenting new emerging talents and fresh artistic perspectives, while also fostering artistic careers in a European context. The project Emerging Lines is a cooperatioon between CROUS de Paris, the studierendenWERK BERLIN, the Akademie für Kunst und Design Breslau and the Kunstakademie Lettland in Riga. It was initiated through the existing cooperations between Berlin and Paris, as well as the collaborative art projects between CROUS de Paris and Riga and Breslau. In each city an exhibition with artists from the partner cities takes place. The architectual diversity of the different galleries fosters a great variety of artists expressions and methods.