Green electricity

Whenever possible, studierendenWERK BERLIN obtains its electricity from renewable energies.

In addition, it generates its own electricity in a sustainable manner.

Mensa TU Hardenbergstraße

Leistung in Watt 266
Zählerstand in kWh 40.291
Leistung in Watt 0
Zählerstand in kWh 23.757
Leistung in Watt 0
Zählerstand in kWh 2.000
Einsparung CO2
in kg bisher 28011.45

The wind turbine on the roof of the TU canteen at Hardenbergstraße can be seen well from the campus courtyard. It is a small wind turbine of the "Braun Antaris" type, with a maximum generation capacity of 4.5 kWp. The electrical energy produced is used via a heating cartridge in the buffer tank to generate hot water in the TU canteen at Hardenbergstraße.

“Solarworld" photovoltaic system
This system is installed on the roof of the TU canteen and has a maximum output of 6.0 kWp. All electrical energy generated is fed into our network of canteens.

The photovoltaic system was installed in 2013, and was extended by approx. 30 m² in 2017. We thereby achieve an annual production of approximately 18,000 KWh.

“Dimplex" solar thermal system
It has a maximum output of 30.64 W/m² K. The generated thermal energy is fed into the TU canteen network via a buffer tank for the generation of hot water.

Mensa Berliner Hochschule für Technik Luxemburger Straße

As part of the energy optimisation efforts at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik canteen at Luxemburger Str., a photovoltaic system was installed on a roof area of approx. 200 m². It has a maximum output of approximately 21 kW, and a forecast yield of approximately 16,064 kWh per year.

This should additionally support the long-term supply of electricity to energy consumption units (such as deep freezers and other kitchen appliances), and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO²).

Mensa HU Nord

Similar to the Berliner Hochschule für Technik canteen, a photovoltaic system was installed on a roof area of approximately 300 m² at the end of 2018, with an expected production of up to 20,000 KWh per year.


StudierenWERK BERLIN obtains its ECO-Electricity from the Stadtwerke Berlin or from GASAG. The Halbauer Weg dormitory, for example, still has a solar system for heating water.