Foto: Milica Ljuboja-Veigel/ stW Berlin

Best Practice: by Students for Students

Successful Stories and Best Practices from Refugee Students

 What to Expect?

A former or current student with a refugee background will share their own success story.
Focus areas: Challenges, support opportunities, personal motivation, and achievements.
We will present you with success stories and best practices from other students to offer you practical tips for your own academic journey. By sharing experiences, we aim to alleviate fears, build networks, and provide practical advice for studying in Berlin.

Your benefits:

  • Encouragement and support for young refugees who want to start studying in Berlin.
  • Building a supportive network of students who share similar experiences.
  • A better understanding of available support services and how to utilize them.
Speaker: Ehsanullah Attiq, 24 years old, left Afghanistan in 2021, and he started studying journalism and communication studies at the Free University of Berlin in 2024.
Moderation: Centre for Student Refugees Berlin.
Webex: After the registration you will receive an e-mail including a link.




19 September 2024



03:00 PM to 05:00 PM


  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • Online
  • Skills

Participation Fee





Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

Related Offers

Our “SprachCafé: Let’s speak German!” takes place every second Thursday. 
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