Foto: Novak/stwBERLIN

Buddy Matching Event

Matching Event for Peer-to-Peer Support

What is a Buddy Programme and who is it for? 

The Buddy Programme offered by the Centre for Student Refugees Berlin offers newly enrolled refugees and those interested in studying an opportunity to get in touch with Berlin students and receive peer-to-peer support from them for successful studies.

Who is involved?

Berlin Students as a Buddy share their experiences with prospective and newly enrolled refugee students. Everyone looking for a Buddy can meet a Buddy during the Friendship Dating.

What am I signing up for?
Get-together event, networking, having fun, sharing experiences about applying and/or organising studies, making new friends, enjoying yummy food.

What should I bring?
Commitment, openness, willingness to communicate with people and to ask or answer questions.

How does it work?
We are organising this introductory matching event as a Friedship Dating where the participants will get to know each other and exchange contact details.

And each person looking for a buddy will find one here and can plan meetups with them privately or attend one of our offered events where you can learn more about studying in Berlin.

Language: The event in Person will be held in English.

We currently offer the "SprachCafe: Let's Speak German" as a regular activity of the Buddy Programme. We warmly invite you to join us! It takes place every 2nd Thursday.

Registration and questions?
Feel free to register (it opens 3 weeks before the event is starting). If you have any questions, please contact us via


13 November 2024



04:00 PM to 06:00 PM


  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • Special
  • vor Ort

Participation Fee



stW BERLIN, Konferenzraum 2
Hardenbergstr. 34
10623 Berlin


U-Bahn: U9 (Zoologischer Garten), U12 (Ernst-Reuter-Platz)
S-Bahn: S3, S5, S7 und S9 (Zoologischer Garten)
Bus: 245 und M45 (Steinplatz)

Further Dates

The "SprachCafé: Let's speak German!" takes place every second Thursday.
Next SprachCafe takes place on 21st November, 4-6 pm


Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch