Foto: Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin

Guided tour of the Exilmuseum Berlin

For refugee students and prospective students

Welcome to the Exilmuseum Berlin, a special place that brings history to life and builds a bridge between past and present. Today we would like to go on a journey together that brings us closer to the stories of these people and draws parallels to your own experiences. This tour is not only intended to impart knowledge, but also to provide space for your stories and perspectives. We look forward to an enriching conversation with you.
Our tour begins with an overview of the years 1933 to 1945, when around half a million people fled Germany to escape persecution by the National Socialists. Many of them were Jews, political opponents of the regime or artists whose works were defamed by the National Socialists as ‘degenerate’.
  • Biographical stories, installations, quotes, images and videos convey how flight and exile were experienced then and now.
  • History and stories: Historical overview and sample biographies
  • Questions for reflection: What challenges does a forced new start entail? How did those affected deal with their new situation?
  • Discussion: How exactly do farewell and uncertainty feel? Are there any similarities to your own experiences?
  • Joint discussion: What new perspectives emerge from your personal stories?
Finally, we would like to talk together about what we can learn from the history of exile for today.
Location: Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin, Fasanenstrasse 24, 10719 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Language: German
Guided tour: Sarah Blendin, Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin
In co-operation: Exilmuseum Berlin 
Direction: Centre for Student Refugees Berlin


20 March 2025



03:00 PM to 05:00 PM


  • eintägig
  • Für Internationale
  • vor Ort

Participation Fee



Veranstaltungssprache: Deutsch