Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN

How to find a job in Germany

What international students should know about the German labour market

This workshop is for international students who would like to find a job in Germany after completing their studies. It is also helpful for those who are looking for a part-time job or a working student position during their studies.

Successfully navigating the job market in Germany requires not only a basic knowledge of how to correctly formulate your cover letter and application, but also a solid understanding both of what German employers value in an applicant and how the German job market functions. What does a good resume look like and what does it mean to have a “good career”? How the application process could be approached in Germany and how might that differ from what I’m familiar with in my home country?

We will go through the process from start to finish and examine each aspect of the job search – from how to find a job that fits your profile to what really matters when crafting a strong application.


  • Cultural Background: Understanding German Employers and the Job Market
  • Looking for a Job
  • The Application Process
  • Crafting a Great Application
  • Understanding the Interview Process
  • The Job Search + My Expectations
  • Where Have I Been and Where Do I Want to Go
  • Marketing Your Skills

Language: English

Direction: Amanda Wichert - Intercultural Trainer, Career Coach (specializing in international employees in the German job market)

Participation: The workshop will be conducted digitally with Cisco WebEx. Shortly before the date you will receive an e-mail with the access data. Participation is free of charge.

Registration: The registration will be online & starts three weeks before the workshop date. 


08 November 2024



09:30 AM to 01:00 PM


  • eintägig
  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • Online
  • Studi & Job

Participation Fee

For free!




Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

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