Photo: Effi Eichstaedt / stW BERLIN
Calming looking cup of tea on a table.
Photo: Effi Eichstaedt / stW BERLIN

IKIGAI – Healthy and happy throughout study, career and life

Discover your inner compass

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain

Discover your inner compass - and with it, greater health and happiness in your studies, career and life.

But how can you "discover" your inner compass?

One method of tracking it down is called IKIGAI and comes from Japan.
IKIGAI is usually translated as: "The reason for being" or "What is worth getting up for in the morning".

The workshop offers you especially in these times of upheaval an opportunity to deal with your own purpose/meaning.
We are in a situation right now where our personal issues, our environment and our systems are showing up and changing more.

The workshop consists of two 4-hour blocks.

At the end of the first block you will have worked out and formulated your very own IKIGAI.
In the second block we will focus on taking a closer look at this lifted treasure, polishing it and putting it on the way or anchoring it in your own life and work as well as in your environment.
At the end of the day, you will have something at hand that will help you in your further orientation towards your studies, your job and your life.

Directions: Thomas Dönnebrink

Language: English

Make sure that you are in a quiet place with a stable internet connection and no interruptions, so you can fully focus on yourself and your IKIGAI.
You will need blank sheets of paper and a black or blue pen as well as a red one.

The workshop will be conducted digitally with Cisco WebEx. 

The possibility to register will open here 3 weeks before the workshop begins. 


27 September 2024



09:00 AM to 06:00 PM


  • Beratung
  • Beratung: PBS
  • eintägig
  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • Fit für den Studi-Job
  • Internationales
  • Karriere
  • Online
  • Psyche

Participation Fee

For free

