Photo: Felix Noak / STW Berlin

CANCELLED: Presenting with Personality [Only in German]

Find your own presentation style

As a student, it is usually not possible to avoid delivering a presentation at some point. No matter which medium – PowerPoint, Prezi, or simply a flipchart – there are methods, techniques and tricks to help you communicate clearly, authentically and convincingly.

This workshop will help you answer the following questions:

  • What is the aim of my presentation?
  • Who is my audience?
  • What do I actually want to say and how to say it concisely?
  • How can I structure a presentation successfully?
  • What is my ideal presentation pace?
  • How do I gain and hold the audience’s attention?

We will also deal with speaking techniques, body language, eye contact and other aspects of interacting with the audience. Particular attention will be paid to dealing with stage fright. In short practice sequences you can try out the techniques you have learned.

If you like, you can bring a presentation on your laptop or USB stick for practicing (optional) and to receive feedback from the course leader and other participants.

Instructor: Anne Zeppmeisel, voice and speech coach, lecturer in communication and rhetoric

Language: German

Registration: The registration period starts 4 weeks before the workshop date and takes place online.


The Workshop ist cancelled.


13 January 2025



01:00 PM to 05:30 PM


  • eintägig
  • Skills
  • vor Ort

Participation Fee

5 Euro


stW BERLIN, Konferenzraum 2
Hardenbergstr. 34
10623 Berlin


U-Bahn: U9 (Zoologischer Garten), U2 (Ernst-Reuter-Platz)
S-Bahn: S3, S5, S7 und S9 (Zoologischer Garten)
Bus: 245 und M45 (Steinplatz)


Veranstaltungssprache: Deutsch