Foto: Adrian athree23 /

Overview of labour and social security law for international students

What you should know about your rights and obligations at work

From the first semester onwards, many students have to work alongside their studies. Questions of employment law also arise with their first job: What exactly is a mini-job? Am I entitled to a holiday? What do I do if I don't get paid? A labour law lawyer will give you an overview of typical problems and questions of labour and social security law that repeatedly arise in the context of student employment. 


Part I.
Work permit  - Citizens of EU- and non- EU-member states

Part II.
Employment and freelance work

Part III.
Tax obligations and social insurance in the employment relationship
The privilege of working students (“Werkstudentenprivileg”)
Minor employment and short-term employment („Minijobs“)

Part IV.
The employment contract
The legal Minimum wage
Employment on probation
Employment as a scientific or artistic assistant (“HiWi-Jobs”)
Working in the homeoffice?

Part V.
The termination of employment contracts
Maternity protection
What to do in case of dismissal?
Reference / working record

Language: English

Directions: Frank Gust

Format: The workshop will be conducted digitally with Cisco Webex. 

Registration: The registration period starts three weeks before the respective training date.


11 October 2024



02:00 PM to 05:00 PM


  • eintägig
  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • Finanzen
  • Online
  • Recht
  • Studi & Job

Participation Fee

For free!



Further Dates



Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

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