Felix Noack/stW

Fully booked: Evaluating scientific sources

Checking for credibility

Information is everywhere: online and in print, in various forms and platforms of media. But which of these publications are trustworthy and suitable for your current or upcoming writing assignment? And why does this matter?

In this workshop, we will take a look at examples of questionable sources and an overview of important characteristics of credible scientific sources. We will then read and discuss a short article about the importance of scientific studies and think about solutions to a case study.

The aim is to learn how to approach and handle information in a reflected way.

Direction: Julian Homann

Language: English

Max. Participants: 20


25 January 2024



02:00 PM to 04:00 PM


  • Beratung
  • Beratung: Schreibberatung
  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • Internationales
  • Online
  • Schreiben

Participation Fee

For free

