Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN

Telephone consultation hour counselling for barrier-free studying

Breaking down barriers together

Our experts will advise you on all questions relating to studying with disabilities.

You can contact us if you have long-term health impairments.
In addition to mobility, hearing or visual impairments, this also includes impairments such as Crohn's disease, cancer, rheumatism, HIV, ADHD, autism, mental illness, dyslexia or other invisible impairments.

You are concerned with topics such as:

  • How do I organise my impairment-related needs during my studies?
  • What does compensation for disadvantages mean?
  • Are there special admission requirements for me?
  • Who can I turn to?
  • How can I finance my support?

Then give us a call, we look forward to hearing from you.

Students of the Barenboim-Said Akademie, EHB, DFFB, FU, Hertie School, IPU, TU, UdK:
Tel.: +49 (0)30 93939-9020

Students of the BCB, HU, HSAP, IU:

Tel.: +49 (0)30 93939-8441

Students of the ASH, BHT, Charité, HTW, HfM, HfS, HWR, KHB, KHSB:

Tel.: +49 (0)30 93939-8442

Advice on aids across all universities:
Tel.: +49 (0)30 93939-9071

Language: German and English


15 October 2024



10:00 AM to 01:00 PM


  • Diversity
  • eintägig
  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • Finanzen
  • Recht
  • Sprechstunde

Participation Fee

for free

Further Dates

every Tuesday


Veranstaltungssprache: DeutschVeranstaltungssprache: Englisch