In addition to your own income, the income of your parents is included, as is the income of your spouse if you are married, or your registered life partner if you have one.
Key to the decision is the income from the penultimate calendar year before the start of the approval period.
Example: When making an application for the summer semester 2022, the relevant income is that from the calendar year of 2020. (The income year used to reach a decision is determined by when your approval period begins.)
For deciding which income is to be used in the calculations, the law provides fixed exemption amounts, both for the parents and for any other children eligible for maintenance. The more of your siblings are currently in education, the less your parents are obliged to contribute financially to your studies. Your entitlement to educational support funding would thus increase. But even if you are the only child who is studying, it is worth checking whether you are entitled to BAföG.
If your parents earn more than the exempted amount, they calculations will be made on the basis of your need for support, and you will not receive the highest amount. You will find the calculations in your decision letter. An application for an update or advance payment (maintenance advance) may be considered for you.