When working out how much support you may get, your own income (e.g. via part-time jobs or holiday jobs) during the approval period is always important.

If you are an employee, income of up to €450 euros per month is not included in the calculations. For example, if you earned no more than a total of €5,400 from April 2022 to March 2023, your financial support would not be reduced. If you have earned more, the excess amount is divided by 12 and deducted from your financial support.

This is different with income you receive from an apprenticeship (e.g. payment for an internship, or if you are within the dual educational system). In this case, your income – minus work-related (tax) deductions and social insurance payments – will be fully included in the calculations used to determine the amount of financial support you receive. The total income during the approval period is calculated then split into equal amounts for each month.

In the case of income from one-off jobs similar, any profits over €367 per month are used in the calculations. The total income during the approval period is calculated, then split evenly across the months of the approval period.