Residence Tutors Sewanstraße


My name is Tara Mianji and I am tutor in the dormitory here in Sewanstr..
I am 28 years old, a painter and I study fine arts at the Weißensee art academy.
Since October 2019 I have been living in Germany, but I was born in Iran. That’s why I speak three languages, Persian, English and German.
I would describe myself a cinema enthusiast and it’s one of my biggest hobbies to watch movies and to make short films.
Therefore, I plan some activities around movies such as going to an open-air cinema together. I also enjoy playing board games and group games such as Werewolf.
To get to know each other better, I will organize events that are helpful for you and that help us to grow together as a social community.
I will be there to answer your questions about the residence, doctor's appointments and other practical things. So if you are also an international student, don't hesitate to ask me questions. I know it can be hard and you shouldn't have to solve all the problems on your own.

It’s my goal to make life in Sewanstraße easier and more enjoyable.

Tara Mianji

Consultation hour:
Wednesday 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM 
Sewanstr. 175, ground level, to the right
Mobile number:
0151 16 60 03 12
Facebook: “Wohnheim Sewanstraße” and “Tutor Sewanstraße”

Hello 😊
I'm Leonie and I've been a dormitory tutor in Sewanstraße since January 2024.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you and organising events for the dormitory community. I'm here for you if you have any questions about the student residence and living and studying in Berlin.

About me: Before I started studying fashion design at Htw Berlin, I lived in Krefeld, a city in the west of Germany. Besides my mother tongue German, I speak English and French. In my free time, I enjoy bouldering with friends, painting, sewing and gardening.

I especially appreciate meeting new people from all over the world in our hall of residence. In the future I would like to organise many different events, for example games evenings, creative afternoons, short hikes, table football tournaments or badminton games.
All events will be publicised via the telegram group and in the entrances to the hostel.

Leonie Groth

Consultation hour:
Thursday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 
Sewanstr. 175, ground level, to the right
Mobile number:
0151 16 60 03 12
Facebook: “Wohnheim Sewanstraße” and “Tutor Sewanstraße”