The studierendenWERK BERLIN is closed from 23 - 31 December. We will be back for you on 2 January.
External offers
We have collected some additional resources, helpful offers and external institutions offering support for international students.
Discover Berlin
Berlin is the capital of Germany and a city full of knowledge and culture, which is proud of its numerous cultural and educational institutions. We'll show you which addresses in Berlin are important for you.
Contact points
In addition to StudierendenWERK Berlin, there are also other student and student services organizations that provide support services especially for international students. We will briefly introduce you to the most important institutions and contact points.
In this section you will find helpful download links of publications of the German Student Union. There is useful information in the form of illustrated dictionaries translated into many languages about topics such as life in the student residences, the Mensa as well as special information for international students.