Residence Tutors
The residence hall tutors are a team of international and German students who have been living in Berlin for a long time and pass on their experience to the residents of the residence halls.
Welcome to Berlin! We are the residence tutors of the studierendenWERK BERLIN. Our task is to help students who are new to Berlin or Germany with everything that concerns student life, bureaucracy in Germany and everyday life in the dormitory. We try to solve your problems with you and are happy to help you with any questions you may have.
Here is a brief overview of the things we can help you with:
General questions about living in a hall of residence
General questions about the services offered by STW Berlin
Assistance with arriving at the hall of residence
Registering / deregistering your flat
Opening a bank account
Registering your broadcasting fee
We also organise various events, parties and meals for you to get to know new people. We do our best to show you what Berlin has to offer - and that's a lot! :)
How can you reach us? You have many ways to contact us: in person, via email, phone or Facebook message.
Each hall of residence also has a group on Facebook that you can join as soon as you move in. There you can network with other students, ask questions or buy furniture.
Also check out our blog! There we report about things from the dormitory that move us and about topics that might be important for you!
Please note: Unfortunately, we can't do anything to help the application process for a place in a hall of residence move forward. We are also not responsible for the allocation or change of rooms. Please contact the InfoCenter Wohnen for information in this regard.
Tutorenprogramm in den Wohnheimen
Viele Wohnheime in Berlin haben einen Tutor. Für dieses Video haben wir den Tutor Boris eingeladen, uns zu erzählen, welche Aufgaben er hat, wie er Studierenden, die in seinem Wohnheim leben, helfen kann und wie seine Arbeit durch die jüngsten Ereignisse beeinflusst wurde.