Residency in Berlin

Overview of the most important regulations on residence for study purposes and the asylum procedure


(Status: 14.06.24)

On 13.06.24, the EU-Commission proposed to extend the temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine for another year, from 5 March 2025 to 4 March 2026.

Given the ongoing Russian attacks on civilian and critical infrastructure in Ukraine, there are currently no safe and sustainable conditions for people to return to Ukraine. The Commission therefore considers that the reasons for temporary protection continue to exist and that it should be extended for a further year as a necessary and proportionate response to the current situation.

Until a decision is taken on this proposal, the following will continue to apply:

If you have fled from Ukraine and have a residence permit in accordance with Section 24 (1) of the Residence Act that was valid until at least 1 February 2024, this permit, including its conditions and ancillary provisions, remains valid until 4 March 2025.

This means that

you do not have to apply for an extension. An appointment at the immigration office (LEA) is not necessary. 


  • Due to the automatic extension, the possibilities for working, studying, receiving social benefits, travelling abroad and other guarantees and freedoms associated with the residence permit are retained.
  • Holders of such residence permits are therefore still entitled to benefits under SGB II and SGB XII and are generally entitled to benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), child benefit, housing benefit and health insurance benefits.
  • Please note: this does not apply to fictitious certificates! If you have a fictitious certificate that expires in the next few weeks, you must apply for an extension in good time!

You can find more information and a contact form to extend your fiction certificate on the LEA website (only in German).

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland (BMI) has published a nationwide information sheet in Ukrainian, English and Russian, which contains the most important information on the continued validity of residence permits:

Information sheet in Ukrainian:

Information sheet in Russian:

Information sheet in English:



pdf: Procedural information for residence in Berlin (in German language only) (5.73 MB)