The KompetenzWERK of the studierendenWERK BERLIN offers various events (e.g. workshops) and services (e.g. consultations) for individual students and groups of students. Our aim is to support students in developing competences that are necessary for studying successfully and for building a bridge into career life.
Our services can only be attended by students from cooperating universities in the area of responsibility of the studierendenWERK Berlin.
Link to the overview of our partner universities.
If your college or university does not appear on this list, you cannot take part in our events and services. Participants are required to show proof of their valid enrolment upon request.
Respectful communication is a cornerstone of our mission statement. We want to enable both participants and hosts of our events and services to feel safe and welcome at any time – regardless of their skin colour, body, (dis)ability, neurodiversity, age, sexual orientation, gender, culture, religion, etc.
Therefore we have a zero tolerance policy against any type of discrimination. This includes actions and slurs that actively or passively discriminate against marginalized people. This includes (but is not limited to) racism, classism, ableism, transmisia, antisemitism, hostility to islam etc.
We acknowledge that those who are marginalized can best define themselves what this consists of. We also know that, while discrimination does not always happen on purpose, it still causes harm.
Anyone who experiences marginalization against themselves or others during one of our events or services can reach out to the host, or the KompetenzWERK ( We take these concerns seriously and will look for a solution together.
Participants that violate this code of conduct, that do not follow the rules and instructions of the host, and do not show willingness to learn and change can be excluded from the event or service or can be prohibited from attending further events or services. This decision lies with the studierendenWERK BERLIN.
Our events and services take place on weekdays in the rooms of the studierendenWERK BERLIN or online. They are offered throughout the semester, also during the lecture-free period.
Some events and services may take place on location as well as online. Students that log in to the session online will participate via Webex.
The audio contribution of participants that join on location will be transferred to the online participants. Participants that join on location can choose whether or not they additionally want to appear in front of the camera.
Depending on the format of the event, the maximum amount of participants is between 15 to 80 people. Consultations are always 1:1 (with the exception of one trainee sitting in on the consultation, in which case it is 1:2).
All events require a minimum of participants. We reserve the right to cancel events if there are not enough registrations.
In this case, those who have signed up for the event will be informed by mail. If the participant was required to pay an attendance fee, the participant will be fully reimbursed.
The registration for events will be opened approx. 3 weeks prior to the event. The possibility to sign up usually ends one day before the event takes place.
Students can register through a form provided by Eveeno, a separate website which will be linked to the corresponding event in the event calendar of the studierendenWERK BERLIN (
Allocation of places is subject to availability. We proceed according to chronological order of registration dates.
Each registration is only possible for one student.
Each registration is personalized and not transferrable.
A waiting list will be opened if there are more registrations than available places. In this case, the student will be notified if a place for them becomes available.
If a student has registered for an event or service and participation is not possible, we as for a cancellation as soon as possible. To do so, it is enough to simply reply to the confirmation of attendance via e-Mail.
Fee-based events:
Participants can cancel their attendance up to 3 weekdays (Mo-Fr) before the event takes place by writing an e-Mail to In this case, the participant will be fully reimbursed.
- Event takes places on a Monday = Cancellation possible until the preceding Tuesday until 23:59
- Event takes places on a Tuesday = Cancellation possible until the preceding Wednesday until 23:59
- Event takes places on a Wednesday = Cancellation possible until the preceding Thursday until 23:59
- Event takes places on a Thursday = Cancellation possible until the preceding Friday until 23:59
- Event takes places on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday = Cancellation possible until the preceding Monday until 23:59
After the abovementioned deadlines, a reimbursement is no longer possible. Should the participant still want to cancel their attendance, we ask to notify us by e-Mail ( Then we can clarify the further procedure.
The abovementioned deadlines are necessary for us to notify students on the waiting list and to inform the host of the event about the expected number of participants.
Should the participant not show up or cancel their attendance, it is not possible to claim back a reimbursement of the participation fee.
While our online events and services are usually for free, most of our events on site require the payment of a nominal fee. This fee does not cover our expenses to run the event, but serves to increase the commitment of participants to attend.
However, we do not want to students from registering for events if they find it difficult to pay this fee. If this is the case for you, please reach out to us so that we can find a solution together:
Events that require the payment of a nominal fee will be explicitly listed as such on our homepage/in our event calendar. The payment of the nominal fee proceeds through our affiliate Eveeno.
In respect to the students on the waiting list, participants are not allowed to bring along others that have not registered themselves.
Furthermore, it is not allowed to share login-data for online events to non-registered students or to make audio and/or video recordings of our events and services.
After every event or service, participants receive the opportunity to give us feedback.
In addition, participants can contact us via