Serghei Gherciu

FULLY BOOKED: CultureTrip: A Ballet Night!

A co-production of the Staatsballett Berlin at the Deutsche Oper Berlin

Verdi's ‘Messa da Requiem’, a large-scale oratorio, is generally about man's confrontation with death - about the big questions ‘Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?’ Ballet director Christian Spuck transforms Giuseppe Verdi's requiem mass into an emotional synthesis of the arts, skillfully depicting emotions such as fear, grief, pain and loneliness in music and dance.

Look forward to a cultural evening with other students.


The Kulturwerk Berlin of studierendenWERK BERLIN regularly organises a variety of excursions and tours for students during the lecture period. These activities are a great opportunity to discover new things together with other students at low cost and to socialise in the process. You can find all excursions in our event calendar under the ‘Excursion’ tag.

A binding registration for the CultureTrip is only possible for students of our partner universities.




06 July 2024


08:00 PM to 09:30 PM


  • Excursion
  • International

Participation Fee



Kulturwerk Berlin & Staatsballett Berlin

External Link

Website Staatsballett Berlin