© David von Becker | Museum Barberini

CultureTrip: Let's Take a Closer Look at Modigliani

Discover the exhibition at the Museum Barberini in Potsdam together with others!

In this English tour through the exhibition ‘Modigliani. Moderne Blicke’ you will learn more about Modigliani's style and his view of the emancipated woman.

The exhibition includes 56 portraits and nudes by Modigliani and 33 paintings, drawings and sculptures by artists such as Gustav Klimt, Jeanne Mammen, Pablo Picasso, Natalia Goncharova, Egon Schiele and Paula Modersohn-Becker.


The Kulturwerk Berlin of studierendenWERK BERLIN regularly organises a variety of excursions and tours for students during the lecture period. These activities are a great opportunity to discover new things together with other students at low cost and to socialise in the process. You can find all excursions in our event calendar under the ‘Excursion’ tag.

A binding registration for the CultureTrip is only possible for students of our partner universities.


29 June 2024


02:00 PM to 02:50 PM


  • Ausflug
  • International

Participation Fee



Kulturwerk Berlin & Museum Barberini

External Link

Webseite Museum Barberini