Foto: B. Othmann / stW BERLIN

Cold Zones - The powerlessness of habit in the face of algorithmic apple pie.

Come by and see the artistic work of our student theater group in the open space that has been created over the year.

Do my habits change me or is it my free choice after all that brings change? Do they make me a better person and can they bring me closer to others? And what about the future, anyway? Can I outsource my habits and leave them to the algorithm? Will we become one big global bureaucracy or will we end up preserving our most human being?

"Many young people would rather live in the past" (Spiegel) - This was the result of a study that recently went through the media. But why? What are they afraid of? People strive for security. But in order to obtain this, some decisions have to be made. This is the topic that the play deals with.

With it, the student theater group Freispieler presents its work at the end of the academic year. For one year the group rehearsed, acted, rehearsed and discussed and thus developed a play. The result is a colorful evening of various forms and styles. It will be epic, biographical, multimedia, and dramatic. And maybe there will be apple pie.

Performances each June 30 and July 1, 2022 from 19-21:00.
Admission is free and no registration is necessary - admission from 18:30.

Cast: Maike Sietas, Caroline Zeiß, Saskia Nijman, Eike Osmers, Elise Scheibner, Faye Bullwinkel, Finn Knöller, Hannah Langlo, Julia Reiners, Leonie Schielke, Moritz Marschall, Anna Brilla, Milan Rosenblatt.

Artistic direction: Paul Schmidt


30 June 2022 to 01 July 2022


07:00 PM to 09:00 PM


  • Bühne & Musik

Participation Fee

For free


Kulturwerk Berlin


FREIRAUM im Studentenhaus
Hardenbergstraße 35
10623 Berlin