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HIV Testing and STI Consultation

We offer free and anonymous consultations about sexually transmitted infections in German and English and testing for HIV in cooperation with the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning.

Topics concerning sexual health, like sexually transmitted infections and contraception, are often taboo in our society. At the same time, sexually transmitted infections like HIV, syphilis or chlamydia can often be present without immediately causing symptoms, meaning they remain undetected and are thus spread. Knowledge about how to prevent or treat these infections is an important part of living a health consciousness life and thus shouldn't be avoided due to the taboos surrounding sexual health. 

The studierendenWERK BERLIN, in cooperation with the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning, offers a free consultation about HIV and other STIs (sexually transmitted infections), individual transmission probablity and preventative options. 

Additionally, we offer anonymous testing for HIV (blood/laboratory test). The offer is allocated on a "First Come, First Serve" basis. Those wanting to rule out an HIV infection should get tested no earlier than six weeks after having been in a situation that could lead to an infection (e.g. unprotected penetrative sex, shared usage of needles or other injecting equipment).

We also offer a table with diverse information on contraceptives and safer sex, free condoms and information on cost absorption for contraceptives by the city of Berlin.

Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning

The Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning offers medical and consultations services surrounding HIV and STIs in four places in Berlin. Additionally, cost absorption for contraceptives for people with little financial means can be applied for in five places. More information can be found here (German only).  

Berlin Logo
Logo of the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning


25 May 2023


01:00 PM to 05:30 PM


  • Diversity
  • Diversity
  • eintägig
  • Special
  • vor Ort


Kulturwerk Berlin und Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning


FREIRAUM im Studentenhaus
Hardenbergstraße 35
10623 Berlin

External Link

Center for sexual Health and Family Planning (German Website)