Photo: L. Unger/ stWB


Experience the ultimate stage adventure – a musical course from 15 October til 11 February!

Musical, that's the magical mix of singing, dancing and acting that makes your talents shine and catapults the fun factor into high gear. Our journey into the world of musicals will not only boost your confidence, but also unleash brand new skills in you. You will be accompanied by real professionals: a director/choreographer from the Big Apple and a musical director/musician from the heart of Berlin. Together we will uncover the secrets of musicals from the perspective of actors, singers and dancers.

To form a great troupe, we focus on individual physical, vocal training, reliable regular attendance, and teamwork and cohesion. Here are some highlights you can look forward to:

  • Lyrics analysis and the art of how music influences the interpretation of the lyrics.
  • Acting techniques that bring your songs to life.
  • Physical preparation for singing and dancing to rock the stage.
  • Insight into the exciting Broadway dance styles.
  • The vocabulary of musical language.
  • Simple vocal exercises and stylish approaches to make your voice ring.
  • Techniques for working on lyrics.

Course Information:

  • Artistic direction: Bijan Azadian and Leslie Unger.
  • Time and Dates: Tuesdays from  3:30 PM til 6:30 PM from 15 October 2024 til 11 February 2025
  • No rehearsal on 24 Dec and 31 Dec 2024.
  • Accessibility: The Freiraum is wheelchair accessible. Please contact us before the course (, so we can show you the elevator and unlock the back entrance of the Freiraum.
  • Come to the kick-off event and get to know the team and your fellow participants.
  • Final Presentation: Save the date so you can participate!
    • Date: 28 January 2025 from 6 PM

Join us and experience the magic of the stage first hand!


A binding registration for the course is only possible for students of our partner universities
By participating in this course you agree to our conditions of participation.

The registration for the course on eveeno will be activated later. There are free places available!


15 October 2024


03:30 PM to 06:30 PM


  • Bühne & Musik
  • Kultur
  • Kurs
  • vor Ort

Participation Fee

26 €


Kulturwerk Berlin


FREIRAUM im Studentenhaus
Hardenbergstraße 35
10623 Berlin


Veranstaltungssprache: DeutschVeranstaltungssprache: Englisch