Grafik: Isa Zappe

LIMBO - Face Down on the Pavement

Group Exhibition parallel to Berlin Art Week - Curated by Isa Zappe and Jakob Urban

"Limbo describes the space in between - between here and here, between university and professional work, between media, between generations, between technological ages, between various socio-political influences, between spaces, between here and there, between now and then."

The curators used an open call to find the artists for this exhibition project, which takes place in the gallery space and in the underground car park of the Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße. As part of the CreativeLab of the Kunstraum program, they are organizing joint workshops in the run-up to the exhibition, in which questions about the content of the works being created and technical possibilities for staging in the room are worked out in a group. The aim is to rethink the location and its specific conditions through intensive artistic examination, and to use the art space of the Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße immersively through installative, dispositive and multimedia forms.

Isa Zappe is an artist, curator and designer, she studies visual communication and fine arts at UdK Berlin. Jakob Urban is an artist, curator and researcher and studies dance studies at the Free University of Berlin.

Josephine Aymar (UdK, Visuelle Kommunikation)
Isabella Bram (UdK, Bildende Kunst)
Eight Fang (UdK, Bildende Kunst)
Agata Hörttrich (UdK, Visuelle Kommunikation)
Yunsun Kim (KHB, Bildende Kunst)
Boohri Park (UdK, Visuelle Kommunikation)
Gaia Pilia (TU, Stadtplanung) + Clara Vastano (KHB, Visuelle Kommunikation)
Sajas (HTW, Kommunikationsdesign)
Jakob Urban (FU, Tanzwissenschaft)
Miriam Wierzchoslawska (UdK, Bildende Kunst)
Isa Zappe (UdK, Visuelle Kommunikation)


15 September 2022 to 18 September 2022


01:00 PM to 07:00 PM


  • Art
  • Exhibition

Participation Fee



Kulturwerk Berlin


KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße
Potsdamer Str. 65 - 67, Parkhaus im Hof
10785 Berlin

External Link
