Graphic: Mattia Friso

Microcosmos - Temporal Spaces and Uncertain Memories

Gruppenausstellung mit 6 Künstler*innen aus dem Wohnatelier Gelfertstraße

"What can living spaces look like? What temporalities are we exposed to in everyday life? How are our memories linked to these places? What significance do our small worlds take on in the big picture?

Christina S. Zhu, Dawoon Park, Mattia Friso, Özcan Ertek, Anastasia Mikhailova and Aixing Wang explore these questions with all their senses in video installations, soundscapes, objects and illustrations. Their artistic perspectives are united by a shared curiosity for the interconnectedness of time, space and memory.

The 5 multidisciplinary artists examine the microcosmos of their own creative space. Living together, yet isolated, they present their personal relationship to the shared studio. In the shadow of global political uncertainties, increasing screentimes on online platforms and a universal feeling of fatigue, they question their immediate environment. Their artworks expose windows between nature and existences on the screen, introspectives, materialities of a home, the edited passage of time. Finally, it all culminates in Temporal Spaces and Uncertain Memories."


01 July 2022 to 03 July 2022


01:00 PM to 07:00 PM


  • Art
  • Exhibition

Participation Fee



Kulturwerk Berlin


KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße
Potsdamer Str. 65 - 67, Parkhaus im Hof
10785 Berlin

External Link
