Vero Haas

On Trees, Fire & Stones

An exhibition by Vero Haas und Marie Salcedo Horn

"While ecosystems and the climate are changing, we still have some time to ask ourselves what exactly our environment is (or was.)

Were we not once part of it? Or was nature always the other that we ultimately conquered, and to which we now no longer feel connected to?

In the exhibition On Trees, Fire & Stones, we argue for an understanding of nature that goes beyond objectification and romanticization. We see the notion as too limited to define nature as a place outside of us where we go on Sundays to "get back in touch."

There are parts of nature, our inner and outer environments, that are still hidden and unknown to us. We are constantly discovering nature, through science, (art?) or through our own lived experiences.

With our exhibition, we will playfully assemble our observations of the environment and create new landscapes in which to wander and dwell."

Visits between 18.07- 21.07 can be made by request to @maue.salado @veroverohaas


16 July 2022 to 21 July 2022


01:00 PM to 07:00 PM


  • Art
  • Exhibition

Participation Fee



Kulturwerk Berlin


KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße
Potsdamer Str. 65 - 67, Parkhaus im Hof
10785 Berlin

External Link
