Jani Makowski aka Cynna Moon (@i.am.cynna.moon) is a Berlin drag quing and has been performing at festivals, demos and bars for about a year, often together with members of the Venus Boys (@venusboysberlin) and other queer performers. 'Out of drag' Cynna is studying for a master's degree at Alice Salomon University and freelances in education. Breaking out of binary and playing with gender expressions is a constant theme in everyday life as a non-binary person as well as on stage.
Lo Moran creates interdisciplinary projects that are often socially engaged, participatory and collaborative. They aim to experiment with and question the systems we are embedded in by organizing situations of connection, openness and nonhierarchical learning, working towards accessibility and reimagined ways of being together by investigating community support and belonging. They are currently working on a comics and audio series attempting to find new paths for disagreement. Lo has also been involved in creative projects within disability communities for the last nine years. They try their best to embrace fluidity and chaos to contribute to emergent futures and radical approaches find more on LoMoran.com