Unfolding Traces
Unfolding Traces

Unfolding Traces

Young Berlin Artists 2023 – Parallel to Gallery Weekend

The speed at which sound travels suggests to the body the approach of a time that is about to happen. The space reverberates in delay to the contact of waves that unfold leaving physical and affective traces. The shape of things, temporary at different magnitudes, changes in relation to sound flashes that, through listening, structure notions of a place in the process of assimilation. Jean-Luc Nancy describes sound as an impulse that drags form, "The visual persists even in its fading, the sonorous appears and fades even in its permanence."

Unfolding Traces is a group exhibition of nine art students who experiment with sound processes and transform them into installations in the underground exhibition hall of Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße. In response to the characteristics of the location, the various works resonate in the closed space of a former multi-storey car park and reflect, from different perspectives, themes such as intimacy, memory or desire, as well as qualities that develop in the interplay between the artists* and their works and are reinforced by the scenario in which this exhibition takes shape.

Unfolding traces offers new listening experiences through the simulations and imaginings of soundscapes and visual gestures that are shaped and deformed during their temporary exhibition presence.

Artists: Vinzenz Aubry, Juan Pablo Gaviria Bedoya, Özcan Ertek, Elizabeth Gallón Droste, Hibiki Ishijima, Zoe Spehr, Pablo Torres, Fang Tsai, Jiawen Wang

29.04.2023 - Parkhaus live Performances #2: Pablo Torres, FFRW
19:30 Pablo Torres
20:00 FFRW

04.04.2023 - Parkhaus live Performances #3: Transferans Ambient Session feat. Acrartep, PAREAL, Seretan
19:30 Seretan - Dream Catalogue
20:30 Acrartep - Slow Movement

Parallel to "Unfolding Traces", the exhibition "Hyper-Incubation" takes place on the ground floor of Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße.


29 April 2023 to 04 May 2023


01:00 PM to 07:00 PM


  • Ausstellung
  • Kultur
  • Kunst
  • vor Ort

Participation Fee

for free


KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße
Potsdamer Str. 65 - 67, Parkhaus im Hof
10785 Berlin

External Link

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