If meat, it must be of quality

The menu of the studierendenWERK is predominantly plant-based. However, we do not completely forgo animal products.

Weniger, dafür besser.

Since October 2021, our menu has consisted primarily of plant-based dishes. The standard menu offers a selection of vegan or vegetarian dishes, with an alternative meat dish on Tuesdays and Thursdays and an alternative fish dish on Fridays. Depending on the size of the institution, refectories also have special offer stands, where there are, for example, live prepared wok pans, pizzas or curries. Here, in addition, there may also sometimes be meat dishes, e.g. burgers or currywurst.
Students often ask us why our meat dishes are more expensive than elsewhere. We stand by the fact that meat dishes are more expensive than vegetable dishes. Because if the quality of the meat is right, this also has its price.
We obtain our meat as follows:


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We obtain pork exclusively from husbandry form 4.

Our supplier is the Markelwitz farm. This is located in the northeast of Lower Saxony. The animals have free range and 24/7 access to feed. The feed is GMO and soy free, the use of prophylactic medication is prohibited.

The slaughtering takes place in Brandenburg.


Picture shows pictogram of a cow

Beef we obtain exclusively from husbandry form 3.
The beef and veal is supplied from Brandenburg:


The feed of the animals is GMO-free, there is a year-round grazing if possible. The transport takes a maximum of 90 minutes.


picture shows pictogram of a chicken

We purchase poultry exclusively from husbandry form 4.
The supplier is the company Biofino: http://www.biofino.de


The animals live in a natural environment, have guaranteed access to the outdoors and are provided with impeccable, nutrient-rich feed.

Animal husbandry types and what they mean

Level 4 (Premium)

In 4, animals have permanent access to an outdoor exercise area or are directly or they are kept directly outdoors. The feed is
without genetic engineering. Organic meat, for example, is classified in this level.

Level 3 (outdoor climate)

This does not mean free-range husbandry, but rather
contact with the outside air, e.g. through an open side of the barn or a covered a roofed outdoor area. Feed is without genetic engineering

Not available at studierendenWERK: Level 2 (indoor husbandry)

Animals usually have a little more space in the barn and additional employment material. Cows, for example, may not be tethered.

Not available at studierendenWERK: Level 1 (Stable keeping

Level 1 is the minimum standard required by law in Germany.