From the fifth semester, BAföG funding is paid only after a performance check. In addition to the application for funding, the submission of proof of achievement (Leistungsnachweis) is necessary.
Form: If a positive proof of achievement for the 3rd semester is received by the Office within the first four months of the fourth semester (31 July/31 January) – a receipt stamp from the Studierendenwerk counts – this is sufficient for further funding.
The following count as proof:
- At least 90 LP (performance points) by the end of the 3rd semester, or 120 LP by the end of the 4th semester, or the number of LP specified by the BAföG representative in the subject department. This number must be communicated to the Office (proof can, for example, be a printout from Campus Management/Agnes).
- Form 5 signed by the BAföG representative confirms that you have performed at the required level. If this is not the case by 31 July/31 January, you must wait until the end of the semester and submit the positive certificate by the end of the 4th semester. If no proof is provided, there are possibilities to obtain further funding. For this, however, make sure you consult the staff at the BAföG Office.
The Office for Educational Support may authorise the submission of the certificate of suitability at a later date when there are facts which are likely to justify a later extension of the maximum financial support period. The following are examples of what may be considered:
- Serious reasons such as illness, failing a (module) test
- Reasons caused by coronavirus
- Committee work
- A disability
- Pregnancy/birth or the care/raising of a child aged ten or younger