Photo: stW BERLIN
Students at a table, reading and working with books, smartphones and other various tools.

3. What does compensation for disadvantages in study and examination achievements mean?

Students who are at a disadvantage when completing coursework and examinations due to their impairment can apply for compensation for disadvantages.
According to the 'Berliner Hochschulgesetz' (§31 para. 3 BerlHG), universities are obliged to provide for compensation for disadvantages in study and examination regulations.
The compensation for disadvantages should take into account the special needs of students with disabilities and create the conditions for equal opportunities in their studies.

Compensation for disadvantages is usually applied for via the responsible examination office at the examination board of the university. Proof in the form of a specialist medical certificate or psychotherapeutic report must be submitted with the application. A certificate of severe disability can also be submitted, but is not mandatory in order to apply for compensation for disadvantages. The applicable requirements of the university must be observed. Advice and support with the application can be obtained from the representatives or the advice center for students with disabilities at your university.

Examples of courses

  • Preferential admission to restricted courses
  • Modified attendance requirements and the agreement of corresponding substitute benefits
  • Permission to take photographs

Examples of tests

  • Write time extension
  • Additional breaks
  • Use of aids


The scope and content of the examination must be equivalent; only the form of the examination may be modified.