20. BAföG for international students

International students may be eligible for funding under certain conditions. The following list is not exhaustive and contains only the most important cases.

There are two main groups:

Support for EU citizens and citizens of Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein

is possible

  • if one has resided legally in Germany for at least five years, or
  • if at least one parent has lived legally in Germany for at least five years, or
  • if you have migrant worker status, i.e. if you have been employed as an EU citizen in Germany for at least 12 hours per week for at least 10 weeks prior to the first BAföG application, therefore enjoy freedom of movement and maintain employment during your studies. It is possible to "grow into" this status, i.e. after a rejection, gainful employment can be taken up and a new application can be submitted after 10 weeks, or
  • if one has already worked in Germany before the start of the training (at least 6 months) and the activity is related in content to the current studies.

Support for students from other countries (third-country nationals)

is possible

  • if you yourself are a recognized* person entitled to asylum / refugee, or
  • if you have worked in Germany for at least 5 years prior to your studies (vocational training is not taken into account), or
  • if at least one parent has been legally employed in Germany for at least 3 years within the last 6 years, or
  • if you yourself are a tolerated foreigner and have been staying in Germany legally, permitted or tolerated for at least 15 months without interruption, or
  • if you yourself fall under §104c AufenthaltsG (right of residence). BAFöG funding is then possible for a maximum of 18 months.


Specifics for students from Ukraine

Students can apply for educational support with proof of a residence title according to § 24 AufenthG. If the residence title according to § 24 AufenthG has been applied for and a fictitious certificate has been issued, educational support can be granted for 6 months.

After that, a new application must be submitted.

A residence title according to § 16b Residence Act basically excludes the education support according to BAföG!

Since the eligibility for support is subject to the complex provisions of the BAföG and the Residence Act, a personal consultation with us should take place in any case.