If your current BAföG funding ends on 31 March, we recommend that you submit the follow-up application now!
This will help you avoid interruptions in the payment process.
From the fifth semester, BAföG funding is paid only after a performance check. In addition to the application for funding, the submission of proof of achievement (Leistungsnachweis) is necessary.
Form: If a positive proof of achievement for the 3rd semester is received by the Office within the first four months of the fourth semester (31 July/31 January) – a receipt stamp from the Studierendenwerk counts – this is sufficient for further funding.
The following count as proof:
The Office for Educational Support may authorise the submission of the certificate of suitability at a later date when there are facts which are likely to justify a later extension of the maximum financial support period. The following are examples of what may be considered: