18. Heating costs/energy flat rate

Heating cost allowance I:

  • one-time 230 Euro

BAföG recipient for at least one month in winter semester 2021/22 and not living in a parent's flat (automatic payment September 2022, individual cases December 2022).
Anyone who has received housing allowance in addition to BAföG should register at heizkostenzuschuss@stw.berlin and pay the allowance back to the BAföG office.

If you have received the grant from two BAföG offices, please contact the office that paid the BAföG first and pay the grant back to that office.

Heating allowance II:

  • one-time 345 euros

As for grant I, but BAföG receipt for at least one month in September - December 2022!

Payment again automatically, probably in April 2023.

Flat-rate energy allowance:

  • one-time 300 euros - paid out by employer / pension insurance - does not have to be repaid
  • one-time 200 euros for all students etc. who were enrolled at least on 01.12.2022 (also part-time students). Payment will only be made upon application. The digital application platform is being prepared. Further information can be found at: www.einmalzahlung200.de

Inflation compensation:

Is paid voluntarily and tax-free by employers. It is not counted towards BAföG and therefore does not have to be reported. Further information can be found at: www.bundesregierung.de