Photo: AI created/ Firefly_prompted by_Effi Eichstaedt
Close-up of a water surface on which a drop of water falls. The photo is coloured purple.



We offer free drinking water in these facilities.

Temperatures are high, concentration is waning.
Dehydration? Not with us. Just bring your own cup or water bottle and fill it up with fresh drinking water for free at one of our water dispensers. If you've forgotten your cup, no problem, we have cups on site.

You can currently get free drinking water from our water dispensers in these canteens:

Mensa FU II
Mensa FU Lankwitz
Mensa HU Süd
Mensa HU Nord
Mensa HU Oase Adlershof
Mensa TU Hardenbergstraße
Mensa BHT
Mensa HTW Treskowallee
Mensa HTW Wilhelminenhofstraße

There are also drinking fountains in the Hardenbergstraße, FU II, HfS "Ernst Busch", FU Rechtswissenschaften and FU Düppel canteens.

Drinking fountains and water dispensers reduce packaging waste, which protects the environment and costs nothing.

Facts and tips:

How much water per day?

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that adults drink 1.5 litres of water a day.
This figure serves as a rough guide, as individual requirements vary depending on age, weight, outside temperature and physical activity. Particularly on hot days and during high levels of physical activity, including concentrating on lectures or cramming learning material, drinking is important for the circulation and an additional 0.5 to 1 litre of water should be drunk per hour.

These tips can help prevent dehydration:

  • Provide your daily water ration in the morning
  • Keep water to hand at work or in your free time
  • Drink a glass of water with every meal
  • Take a water bottle with you when travelling
  • Use an alarm clock or mobile phone app for regular drinking reminders