FAQ Mensen

FAQ Wohnen

FAQ Finanzierung

If you cannot get a date for your final examination (e.g. Bachelor's thesis defence) due to the pandemic and therefore cannot complete your studies within the maximum funding period,
we recommend that you submit a new application in any case and state the reasons for extending the maximum funding period on a special statement and submit appropriate supporting documents.

You can find the relevant form here.


Further information from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research can be found here.

This applies to all students who are/were enrolled in SS 2020, WS 2020/2021, SS 2021 and WS 2021/2022 and who are/were not on leave of absence and had not yet exceeded the standard period of study.

The maximum funding period is increased by one semester in each case.

Further information from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research can be found here.

Students whose residence permit has expired must extend their residence title online.

Here are the current FAQs from the State Office for Immigration (LEA).

For persons who are not allowed to be vaccinated for medical reasons, the Schnell or PCR tests are free of charge.
Students provide proof of exemption from the costs of a test by showing the current BAföG notification.


1. You have filed you last application to studierendenWERK BERLIN.
2. There has been NO interruption in your course of studies (e.g. semester of vacation).
3. You do not have any financial assets, or your assets are less than 8.200 euro.
4. Your own income does not exceed 450 euro per month, or is not higher than in your previous application. You agree to the crediting in the same amount.

If all of the above apply, you can use Formblatt 9.

If the preconditions do not apply, please use apply via BAföG-Digital.

Documents required for the short application (copies are sufficient):

  • Formblatt 9 (original signed)
  • Current matriculation certificate (proof of matriculation according to § 9 BAföG) including your number of semesters at university ("Hochschulsemester") and number of semesters studying your current subject ("Fachsemester") OR Formblatt 2
  • Formblatt 3 by the parents plus income documents of your parents from the penultimate calendar year before the start of the period of entitlement (i.e. the period for which the benefits are claimed), unless you have already received BAföG regardless of your parents ("elternunabhängig"), then if applicable income of spouse or registered life partner
  • Formblatt 4 (if you have children)
  • Should you have moved and you do no longer live with your parents: Written proof of tenancy ("Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung") or copy of lease (pages showing contracting parties, address, beginning of the lease + signature of contracting parties)
  • Proof of study performance, should you apply for support for your 5th semester ("Fachsemester") (ECTS or Formblatt 5)

Please don't forget to sign you application!

You can then scan all pages and upload them to portal along with your documents. You will get a receipt. Alternatively, you can send them by post or use the letterbox at Behrenstraße 40/41, 10117 Berlin, or at Hardenbergstraße 34, 10623 Berlin.


The studierendenWERK BERLIN always provides you with free and reliable advice and application processing. If you have any questions, please contact the BAföG office staff by telephone or email.

We recommend filling out the application via our new BAföG-Digital portal. This offers numerous advantages. The information is answered in the form of a questionnaire and immediately checked for plausibility and completeness. You are welcome to watch the BMBF video.

We therefore strongly advise you not to use services that are subject to a fee. We are not permitted by law to accept applications with an online signature submitted in this way.

Yes, definitely.

The federal government has launched a reform for WS 22/23.

This means in detail:

Parental allowances on income are to be increased by 20 per cent.
Need rates and housing allowance are to increase.
This means an increase in the maximum subsidy amount from the current 861 euros to 931 euros.
The age limit for the start of training eligible for subsidies is to be raised to 45.
Income from a mini-job will remain exempt up to 520 euros.
The digital application process is to be simplified and made less time-consuming.

The bill must now pass the Bundestag and Bundesrat.
According to the timetable, the amendment should come into force in time for the winter semester.

You can find an overview of the universities served by the Berlin Office for Educational Support here.

More detailed information and legal bases can be found in German language on these pages.

If the income of the person in question has reduced substantially in comparison to the previous year, for instance due to unemployment or retirement, this can be taken into account on special request. For example, the income from 2022 instead of 2020 would be used for the assessment for the sommer semester 2022.

Please make this request with Form 7. Income which is not yet certain will be estimated. The more accurate the estimate is, the more likely you are to avoid possible repayments after the final calculation is performed using information on the actual income as stated in a tax assessment. You must calculate this risk with your parent(s).

A preconditions is that the amount of support you receive each month would have to increase by at least 10 euro.


FAQ Beratung

FAQ Jobben Arbeitnehmer

FAQ Jobben Arbeitgeber

FAQ Kitas

FAQ Kultur

FAQ Studierendenwerk