Photo: Jan Eric Euler/DSW
Photo: Sandra Neumann
Photo: Jan Eric Euler/DSW
Foto: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
BAföG digital

Financial support for students.

Studying has to be paid for. The joy of receiving a place at university is often followed by the question of how your studies are going to be financed. studierendenWERK BERLIN looks after your BAföG application and provides you with advice on financing your studies.

BAföG Online Portal

BAföG Digital

Everything you need to know about BAföG

Where else can I get help?

If you have any further questions, you can also call the free hotline at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Tel.: 0800-223 63 41 or 0800-BAFOEG1 (Mon. - Thurs.: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Fri.: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.).

Your BAföG advisor

We are here for you. You can quickly find out who your personal advisor is (and how you can contact them directly) here.

Please, enter your firstname and lastname and click "search".



Behrenstraße 40/41
10117 Berlin (Bezirk Mitte)
+49 (0)30 93939 - 6000
Mailbox on site
(publicly accessible, 24/7)
BAföG consultation hour for initial applications: Wednesdays from 12 - 2 p.m., alternating between Franz-Mehring-Platz/S-Bahn: Ostbahnhof or Hardenbergstraße/S-Bahn: Zoo. You can find the current dates on site and all online consultation appointments in our event calendar.
Subway / Metro: U5 and U6 (Unter den Linden), U2 (Hausvogteiplatz) 
S-Railway: S1, S2, S25, S3, S5 und S7 (Friedrichstraße)
Bus: 100 und 300 (Staatsoper)
HUB: 0.7 km
TUB: 4.7 km
FUB: 11.8 km


Contact form
Contact form

Contact the BAföG Office Berlin


Contact the BAföG Clerk's Office

Have you already applied for BAföG at studierendenWERK BERLIN?*:

Protection of data privacy*:

Your BAföG agent

Your BAföG agent

Please, enter your firstname and lastname and click "search".

