Studying. Writing. Jobbing.

Our KompetenzWERK team supports you with a wide range of workshops and counselling services to help you acquire and develop key skills for your successful studies and career entry.

Link to Study Skills, Drawn young woman thinking of 5 different things.
Image: AI generated / Firefly prompted by E. Kniazkova

With us, you can expand your range of skills to successfully master your studies.

Choose the right programme for you from our wide range of workshops: From time management and concentration training to presentation techniques.

Link to writing centre, Drawing of a student at a desk between stacks of paper.
Image: AI generated / Firefly prompted by E. Kniazkova

Are you looking for support with writing your academic papers?

Our writing centre is the perfect place to go for all students who want to improve their writing skills and achieve their academic goals. Our tutors are students themselves with extensive experience in academic writing.
Arrange appointments that fit your schedule or use our online services for maximum flexibility.

Link to job an career, Drawing of students sitting opposite each other in armchairs and talking.
Image: AI generated / Firefly prompted by E. Kniazkova

Are you looking for a job alongside your studies or planning to start your career?

We offer you a wide range of programmes - also in English - from application training to networking, tax returns and more.
Discover your skills and potential for your professional career.

Link to Selfcare, Drawing of a student on the sofa with headphones and a cup of tea.
Image: AI generated / Firefly prompted by E. Kniazkova

Stressful times at university, deadline pressure or excessive demands?

Find your inner balance again with our training sessions, learn relaxation techniques and exchange ideas with like-minded people.
