Search Results

543 Results found for "Berlin"

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131. #ParisXBerlin: Entre 2 // Between two

Workshop for selected artists Special edition of the co-creative project with students of different artistic disciplines...

132. Scholarships for Refugees

...Language: German Direction: Ira Wyrembek, Social Counseling, STW Berlin Kirsten Jenne, Writing Center, STW Berlin WebEx...

133. Mensa ASH Berlin Hellersdorf

Photo gallery

134. Buddy Programme

...Buddy Programme offered by the Centre for Student Refugees Berlin offers newly enrolled refugees and those interested in...

135. OPEN STAGE Fete de la musique - Call until May 16th

...Jahren als Online-Festival plant die Fête de la Musique in Berlin wieder mit einer Vielzahl an Musikorten in der ganzen...

136. OPEN CALL for a project of artburst berlin e.V.

...exhibition will be held in cooperation with the Studierendenwerk Berlin, participation is limited to university students...

137. #Mio Okido "They are lying"

...Tokyo and a diploma at the Weißensee University of Arts in Berlin, she continued her studies in the master's program "Art...

138. Activities and Projects

...joint excursions, such as to the ATZE music theatre and the Berlin Zoo, we use the nearby surroundings and the Berlin cultural...

139. Living: Tips and fails

...This cannot be sugarcoated, so let's put it bluntly: every Berliner has to travel. Because there are simply no affordable...

140. CALL | Competition: Wall Design of KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße

...surface for your design. For this project, the studierendenWERK BERLIN is looking for a student artist, designer, architect...

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