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544 Results found for "Berlin"

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121. Barrier-free accommodations

...reached with the elevator and offers a beautiful view of Berlin. In the basement a student club, a bicycle room and the...

122. FLINTA* for Refugees

...for FLINTA* refugee students and prospective students in Berlin. This event offers you the opportunity to make valuable...

123. Second home tax - Do I have to pay a second home tax in Berlin?

...home tax? Yes, according to the regulations of the state of Berlin.

124. Mensa TU Hardenbergstrasse

The Mensa Hardenbergstraße offers numerous vegan and vegetarian dishes daily as well as an additional meat dish on Tuesdays...

125. Kita at the Technische Universität Berlin

Our day care center at a glance The day care center is located on the northern campus of TU (Technical University), only...

126. #ParisXBerlin: Entre 2 // Between two

Workshop for selected artists Special edition of the co-creative project with students of different artistic disciplines...

127. What to consider when applying for a room at studierendenWERK

...confirmation for university? Congratulations! When you go to Berlin to study, you need to know a few important things about...

128. Green electricity

...via a buffer tank for the generation of hot water. Mensa Berliner Hochschule für Technik Luxemburger Straße As part of...

129. The positive sides of the COVID-19 pandemic

...Klunkerkranich or hit that 80’s party in Cassiopeia- yes, Berlin has definitely much to offer especially when it comes...

130. #Finn Carstens, Lucas Neira Frank, Belen Resnikowski

3 Positions of emerging art in Berlin - painting, collages, monoprints, animations 3 international artists showcase their...

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